Sect. Rick Perry Announces Hell Depart Trump Administration Later This Year

It has been a tremendous honor to serve our country in your administration in such a meaningful way. Anita and I will be forever grateful for this opportunity... Your leadership has positively changed the course of this country and there is much to be proud of especially in the energy sector.

WASHINGTON D.C. (Texas Insider Report) Energy Secretary Rick Perry informed President Donald J. Trump Thursday that he will be leaving his position as Secretary of the U.S. Department of Energy effective later this year saying he is immensely grateful to President Trump and the American people for the opportunity to serve the nation.


Dear Mr. President

The opportunity to serve in your Cabinet as the Secretary of Energy of the United States has been an extreme honor. The citizens of this country will continue to benefit greatly from the policies and accomplishments of your Administration for years to come. Your leadership has positively changed the course of this country and there is much to be proud of especially in the energy sector. 

Mr. President for decades American Presidents have talked about the importance of energy independence. Under your watch it has finally been achieved. We no longer depend on other nations for our energy supply-nor are we beholden to the geopolitics of other world leaders for our energy security. Instead we arrive in their capitals espousing the benefits of American energy resources technology and services. I can attest first hand that the demand for our product is stronger than it has ever been and under your leadership that will only multiply.

Across the world we are competing like we never have before. Not long ago America was an importer of energy. Now the U.S. private sector is leading the world in energy production exploration and exports. This historic success speaks to your leadership and willingness to go places where other leaders never thought possible. Today when the world looks for energy they can now think of America first.

The work being done across the Department of Energy and throughout our national labs to develop more abundant less expensive and cleaner energy is world-class. From reviving our commercial nuclear energy industry to producing historic levels of domestic oil and gas and renewable energy America has seen a remarkable turnaround in our energy industry.  


The Department of Energy has also embraced with success the national security mission of modernizing our nuclear enterprise to make sure our weapons are safe and work as designed. We have also achieved unprecedented success in the clean-up of our nuclear facilities.

Mr. President the American energy story is being written every day by millions of men and women in the workforce who are innovating and dedicating themselves to achieving greatness.

A perfect example of this are the men and women who are part of the DOE mission. They will be the ones who are at the forefront of innovation such as with artificial intelligence and cyber security.

I am proud to have established the Office of Cybersecurity Energy Security and Emergency Response and the Office of Artificial Intelligence and Technology. These new offices will help to provide the underlying research and building blocks for government and the private sector to work together in tackling challenges and pursuing opportunities.

An important part of the American energy story is what we are doing with science and technology to make our air cleaner. Greenhouse gas emissions have fallen dramatically with remissions from the electric power sector at their lowest levels since 1987. During the same time energy-related carbon emissions fell at an even greater pace. This was achieved through American innovation

Now more than ever I believe strongly in the mission of the Department of Energy. The people across the enterprise have a sincere commitment to this country. I feel comfortable that the Department is well prepared to continue this mission with new leadership at the helm.  

It has been a tremendous honor to serve our country in your administration in such a meaningful way. Anita and I will be forever grateful for this opportunity and I look forward to further supporting you and advancing American leadership in significant ways as a private citizen.  

Please accept this letter as my official notification that I plan to resign at a date later this year.

Most respectfully

Rick Perry

Secretary Perry said he is looks forward to continuing to support the Presidents agenda after he returns home to Texas later this year.

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