"Indeed, failing to identify and discipline the students responsible for this reprehensible conduct will only encourage such behavior in the future.”
Texas Insider Report: (WASHINGTON, D.C.) – “This disgraceful behavior is antithetical to the principles of free speech and open discourse that are essential to the mission of any credible academic institution, let alone a top-tier law school. Such behavior also clearly violates Stanford Law School’s Campus Disruption Policy," said U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) earlier today, sending a letter to the President of Stanford University and Dean of the Stanford School of Law regarding the recent harassment of a Federal Circuit Judge by students and a member of the University Faculty.
In the 3-page letter, Sen. Cruz expressed his deep concern over the events that took place at the school, and the threat that such behavior poses to free speech.
Cruz is also recommending the discipline of the student harassers – and the prompt dismissal of Assistant Dean for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Tirien Steinbach, who participated in the events.
In the letter, Sen. Cruz wrote:
"As such, Stanford Law School is well within its rights to discipline these students for their behavior, and indeed I strongly urge the school to do so.
"Indeed, failing to identify and discipline the students responsible for this reprehensible conduct will only encourage such behavior in the future,” said the Senator.
Read the full text of the letter here.