Sen. Cruz Demands Answers from Corporation for Public Broadcasting About NPR’s Biased Reporting

"By focusing on specific stories that align with the liberal agenda and ignoring or downplaying significant, verifiable information, NPR steers public perception away from informed, balanced viewpoints, exacerbating the country’s polarization.”

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas (WASHINGTON, D.C.) – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Ranking Member of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, sent a letter to Patricia de Stacy Harrison, the President and CEO of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), questioning her about taxpayer-funded National Public Radio’s (NPR) reporting, which has become increasingly liberal and partisan in recent years. NPR receives taxpayer funding through CPB. CPB falls under the jurisdiction of the Senate Commerce Committee.

Sen. Cruz demanded to know whether CPB has done anything to address NPR’s bias, what percent of NPR’s budget comes from taxpayers, and more.
In the letter, Sen. Cruz wrote, “I write today to express deep concern about National Public Radio’s (NPR) departure from its stated mission ‘to create a more informed public’ and to ‘distribute programming that meets the highest standards of public service in journalism.’  NPR markets itself as a longstanding beacon of independent journalism, which is a critical component in fostering an informed and engaged public. Yet recent developments reveal a deeply entrenched culture of political bias and partisanship that stands directly at odds with the purported mission of this taxpayer-funded media organization.

“Award-winning 25-year NPR employee, and former Business Editor, Uri Berliner’s April 9th essay in The Free Press—which NPR suspended him for publishing and ultimately led to his resignation—reveals a gradual, but marked, transformation at NPR from an open-minded media outlet to one almost entirely beholden to partisan journalism.

“Above all, NPR’s persistent refusal to acknowledge its myriad of journalistic errors, much less correct, reveals a deep-seated partisanship. It also eviscerates the foundational trust and integrity expected of a public broadcaster. Such pervasive political bias fails the audience NPR purportedly aims to serve, but it also actively misleads them by promoting narratives that lack merit. By focusing on specific stories that align with the liberal agenda and ignoring or downplaying significant, verifiable information, NPR steers public perception away from informed, balanced viewpoints, exacerbating the country’s polarization.”
Sen. Cruz has previously written two letters to CPB demanding answers about its discriminatory funding and hiring practices, and its decision to delete audio from a meeting where the CPB board discussed efforts to ignore civil rights law. He also wrote to taxpayer-funded Independent Television Service (ITVS) over apparent discrimination when selecting documentary filmmakers to support.

Read the full text of the letter here :
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