Sen. Cruz: ‘Corrupt Politicians Act’ Rigs Elections for Radical Left

“It undermines Americans’ voting rights by expanding illegal immigrants’ and felons’ access to the ballot box."

Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON, D.C. – Ahead of today’s Senate Rules Committee hearing on Democrats’ radical ‘For the People’ Act, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today penned an op-ed for Real Clear Politics outlining the dangerous provisions of the bill, which if signed into law will overhaul state election laws, destroy election integrity, and cement Democrat control for decades.

In the op-ed, Sen. Cruz wrote:
“Democrats call this bill the For the People Act, or HR 1, but a more appropriate name would be the Corrupt Politicians Act because it’s designed by the politicians, of the politicians, and for the politicians.” […]

“It undermines Americans’ voting rights by expanding illegal immigrants’ and felons’ access to the ballot box. The bill mandates registering nearly everyone in the country to vote, regardless of their eligibility, prevents states from maintaining the integrity of their voting rolls or removing dead people, and requires that felons be allowed to vote. It will effectively repeal state and local election laws put in place by the people through their representatives and allow for potentially millions of felons, non-citizens, or illegal immigrants to decide who runs our federal government.” […]

“This bill is not designed to protect the right to vote. Instead, it’s a dangerous and brazenly partisan power grab designed by the Democrats to corruptly turn their current razor-thin majority into a much larger and permanent majority so they can enact the Green New Deal and other items on their deeply unpopular progressive wish list. And allowing millions of illegal voters to cast votes robs you of your constitutional right to vote.”

Read the full op-ed here.

