Sen. Cruz Introduces Two Additional Bills to Streamline Federal Infrastructure Permitting and Help Americans Return to Work

“America’s infrastructure should be able to be completed in a timely and predictable manner without excessive government red tape and delays."

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), reintroduced two bills aimed at streamlining and expediting federal permitting for major infrastructure projects by putting more stringent timetables for federal agencies and courts to review projects. The first bill, the Federal Permitting Modernization Act (FAST Act) would require federal agencies to reform and prioritize federal approvals by requiring strict timelines: 5 days for federal agencies to notify the public of the project by publishing details in the Federal Register; 30 days to publish those environmental documents for review; 60 days for the public to comment on those documents; and a final 30 days to approve or disapprove the project based on that information and feedback. The second bill, the 90-day Review Act would substantially shorten the timetable to file a petition for judicial review of a permit, license, or approval of a major infrastructure project, such as a highway or public transit project, from 150 days to 90 days.
Upon introducing the two bills, Sen. Cruz said:

“America’s infrastructure should be able to be completed in a timely and predictable manner without excessive government red tape and delays. I’m proud to introduce two bills that would loosen the federal government’s stranglehold on infrastructure projects and get Americans back to work.”

Read the FAST Act here.

Read the 90-day Review Act here.

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