CRUZ: As Iranian Warships Dock in Brazil, Biden & U.S. Anti-Terrorism Laws are Attacked

"The Biden admin is obligated to impose relevant sanctions, reevaluate Brazil’s cooperation with U.S. anti-terrorism efforts, and reexamine whether Brazil is maintaining effective anti-terrorism measures at its ports."

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Texas Insider Report) — "The docking of Iranian warships in Brazil is a dangerous development and a direct threat to the safety & security of Americans," said U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX,) the Ranking Republican Member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation, and member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Senator Cruz issued the following official statement earlier today after two Iranian warships were allowed by Brazil to dock at a port in Rio de Janeiro:

“The United States has sanctions and antiterrorism laws designed exactly to deter and respond to these threats. These Iranian warships are already sanctioned, and so the port in Rio de Janeiro where they docked is now at risk of crippling sanctions, as are any Brazilian companies that provided them services or accepted payments – and so are all foreign companies that entangle themselves with the port or those Brazilian companies in the future," said Sen. Cruz.

"President Biden calls Brazilian President da Silva his friend – and said he was honored to host him at the White House. And da Silva himself is a Chavista aligned against the United States and our interests, so either these risks were not conveyed – or the Brazilians did not care.

"Nevertheless, our anti-terrorism laws are designed to protect Americans – and they are not optional. The Biden administration is obligated to impose relevant sanctions, reevaluate Brazil’s cooperation with U.S. antiterrorism efforts, and reexamine whether Brazil is maintaining effective antiterrorism measures at its ports.

"If the administration does not, Congress should force them to do so,” Cruz said.

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