Sen. Cruz on Day One of SCOTUS Hearing: ‘Nobody Laid a Glove on Judge Barrett’

Joins ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ to discuss opening statements in confirmation hearing for Judge Amy Coney Barrett

Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON, D.C. – Following day one of the Senate confirmation hearing for Judge Amy Coney Barrett, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, appeared on Fox News’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight” to recap the opening statements and discuss Senate Democrats’ power plot to pack the Supreme Court. Watch Sen. Cruz’s interview with Tucker Carlson here. Excerpts are included below.

WATCH: Sen. Cruz on Fox News After Day One of SCOTUS Hearing: ‘Nobody Laid a Glove on Judge Barrett’

On Monday’s opening statements and Democrats’ intentions to pack the Court, Sen. Cruz said:

“I think today’s histrionics were all about setting the predicate to pack the Court. There’s a reason Joe Biden and Kamala Harris refused to answer that question, because their answer is yes. They intend to pack the Court. They intend it as a partisan power grab. They know that that’s not popular with voters, so they’re trying to hide it. And then part of the way they’re trying to hide it is claim, ‘Everything else is illegitimate.’ And they’re trying also to redefine what packing the Court means.” 

On Senate Democrats’ refusal to discuss their radical agenda, Sen. Cruz said:

“Today was a very good day for two reasons. Number one, nobody laid a glove on judge Barrett. They had no meaningful substantive criticisms of her. That says a lot that they can’t criticize that she has impeccable qualifications. But number two, the Democrats aren’t actually arguing their far left radical agenda. […] So they didn’t want to talk today about their agenda to take away your religious liberty. They didn’t want to talk today about their agenda to allow government to censor and silence you. And they certainly didn’t want to talk today about their agenda to erase the Second Amendment from the Bill of Rights.”

On what’s at stake on Election Day, Sen. Cruz said:

“Today’s Democrats are much more radical than the Democrats used to be. […] If God forbid, we wake up in January with Biden, Schumer, and Pelosi in charge, they’ll end the filibuster in the Senate, which means the Senate Minority can’t stop whatever they’re doing. They’ll add two new states to the United States to add four Democratic senators. I think they will pack the Court. And I think every Senate Democrat is in on the joke. They know that. It’s why Kamala refuses to answer it.”

WATCH: Sen. Cruz’s Opening Remarks at Senate Judiciary Confirmation Hearing for Amy Coney Barrett

Read about Sen. Cruz’s meeting with Judge Amy Coney Barrett here. Learn more about Sen. Cruz’s leadership in the efforts to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett here

WATCH: Exposed: Democrats’ Radical Power Plot
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