Sen. Cruz Warns, Mexican Government's Undermining Security & Law Enforcement Relationship with U.S.

‘United States diplomats and officials should utilize their voices and the influence of the United States to make it clear to the Mexican government that attacking or undermining the DEA is unacceptable’

Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Judiciary and Foreign Relations Committees, today sent a letter to Attorney General Bill Barr and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo expressing concern over the recent efforts to undermine the security and law enforcement relationships between the United States and Mexico. This letter comes after recent actions by the Mexican government that undermine the critical counter narcotics work conducted by both American and Mexican agents.

In the letter sent to the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. State Department, Sen. Cruz wrote:

“I write to applaud you on your sustained efforts to deny Mexican drug cartels access to the United States and more broadly, to deepen the security and law enforcement relationships between our country and Mexico. I also write to express concern about the Mexican government’s recent efforts to undermine those relationships.”


“This month, the United States designated Mexican national Lucio Rodriguez Serrano as a drug kingpin, expanding the ability of our nation’s law enforcement and that of our partners to combat drug trafficking globally. Unfortunately, there are increasingly influential voices in the Mexican government who are at odds with that mission.”


“United States’ diplomats and officials should utilize their voices and the influence of the United States to make it clear to the Mexican government that attacking or undermining the DEA is unacceptable, and that such action calls into question the strength of the U.S.-Mexican relationship, which might have to be reevaluated.”

Sen. Cruz is committed to ensuring deep and robust relations between the United States and our Mexican partners. Most recently, he has worked with the Trump administration to ensure that supply lines running between the two countries are maintained and that Mexico meets its obligations under the 1944 Water Treaty.

Read Sen. Cruz’s full letter here.

