Taxpayers save Billions with SB's 3,4, & 5 that will be heard in the Senate Finance Committee
Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – Texas State Senator Paul Bettencourt (R-Houston) was set to explain in detail the Senate’s unprecedented $16.5 billion Property Tax Relief Bills in the Senate Finance Committee Hearing today, March 15th, 2023.
“The Senate Property Tax Plan is eye-popping for 5.72 million Texas Homesteads – saving nearly $800 per year. All 31 Texas Senators signed onto SB 3, and with SB 3's Homestead Exemption increase to $70,000, we just tripled the over-65 and disabled Homestead Exemption to $30,000, too!” said Bettencourt (right.)
The hearing began at 9:00 a.m, and may be watched in its entirety HERE.
“This $100,000 exemption in total – for our seniors that have paid a lifetime of taxes – saves them over $1,000 per year,” added Senator Bettencourt.
SB 4, also by Bettencourt, will provide an additional $5.38 billion in ISD Tax Rate "compression," and will reduce recapture by expanding the school finance band to 20%.
Rate compression benefits all taxpayers and reduces recapture by funding additional Maximum Compressed Rate (MCR) compression in School Finance by the state, continuing to pay for property tax relief above a 2.5% rollback threshold.
“The local taxes fill the bucket, and if it is not enough, the state fills in the rest,” said Senate Finance Chair Joan Huffman (R-Houston).
SB 5 by State Senator Tan Parker – the final element in the Senate's Plan – will create an "Inventory Tax Credit" totaling $1.05 billion. First, SB 5 will raise the Business Personal Property Exemption to $25,000 from $2,500 – saving Texas taxpyers $450 million. It will also cut business compliance costs, therefore saving businesses more money.

On Tuesday, March 14th, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick and Senator Bettencourt held a press conference on SB 3, 4 & 5 with Senator Tan Parker, Senate Finance Chair Joan Huffman, Senator Charles Perry, and Senator Kevin Sparks.