Senator Bettencourt and Creighton Again SAY NO To 2nd Lockdown of TX Economy

TMC data shows hospitalizations past July 5th peak and three straight day same admissions!
Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – (Houston, TX) - Senator Paul Bettencourt (R-Houston) and Senator Brandon Creighton (R-Conroe) are saying NO to a 2nd lockdown of the Texas economy based upon updated TMC hospitalization trends in the Houston area since July 1st. The Texas Medical Center 'Daily New COVID-19 Hospitalizations' graph data below on the right, and a Senate District 7 derivative chart of it on the left, clearly shows that new hospitalization rates in the Texas Medical Center peaked around July 5th, have come down, and have been at the same level for July 18th, 19th and 20th.
"The TMC 'Daily New COVID-19 Hospitalizations' chart, clearly shows we are past the July 5th peak as new hospitalizations have come down steadily and flat lined for the past 3 days. This great news shows we can continue to keep the Texas Economy open and fight the virus at the same time," 
said Senator Bettencourt. "Harris County Judge Hidalgo and Mayor Turner repeated requests for another lockdown are clearly misplaced by the facts, and Governor Abbott is right to continue to resist such non factually based requests for a 2nd lockdown of the Texas economy," he added. 

This daily data comes from the TMC and additional data from Texas DSHS shows that total hospitalizations in the State of Texas have flat lined over the last week due in part from these lowered COVID-19 admissions. The SD7 derivative chart proves the slope of the hospitalization line has been negative the entire month of July.
"My office and Senator Bettencourt's released a analysis last week showing clearly the new TMC COVID hospitalizations were decreasing. Now we know the trend is continuing," said Senator Creighton. "We can fight COVID and keep our Texas economy open. We can do this!" he added. 
Both Senator Bettencourt and Senator Creighton are available for additional comments on this statement. 


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