Sen. Cruz Fights Vaccine Mandates on Children, Seeks Cut Off in Federal Funds for Schools that Enforce Them

"Schools shouldn’t get federal taxpayer dollars to trample on our constitutional liberties. It’s time for all of us to take a stand."

Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON D.C. — Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) introduced an amendment to stop the flow of federal funds to schools and child care centers that enforce COVID-19 vaccine mandates on students and young children. The amendment would modify the short-term, $1.6 trillion continuing resolution (CR) to fund the Federal government through March 11, 2022 by prohibiting federal funding provided under the CR from being distributed to schools and child care centers that have a COVID-19 vaccine mandate related to enrollment, in-person attendance, and participation in school-sponsored activities.

Senator Cruz said the following:
“Enough is enough. It’s time to stop the petty tyrants imposing COVID-19 vaccine mandates on families across the country. No child should be denied an education because of his or her personal medical choice. Schools shouldn’t get federal taxpayer dollars to trample on our constitutional liberties. It’s time for all of us to take a stand. Are you with parents and kids, or power hungry politicians?”
  Schools and early childhood development centers across the country have implemented and enforced vaccine mandates, without regard for the medical decisions made by parents. Senator Cruz is leading an amendment that would protect the rights of parents to make medical decisions for the more than 81 million U.S. children 19 years old and under.

The amendment would restrict federal funding from being made available to any entity, school, center or facility that imposes such a mandate, including:
  • State and local educational agencies
  • Public schools and charter schools
  • Private or parochial schools
  • Child care centers
  • Head Start facilities 
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