“Department of Justice’s (“DOJ”) Conflict of Interest Policy: ‘An employee may not participate, without authorization, in a particular matter having specific parties that could affect the financial interests of members of her household.’"
Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senators Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and Marsha Blackburn, all members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, sent a letter to President Joe Biden's Attorney General Merrick Garland last week raising serious concerns and questions over a possible conflict of interest between AG Garland, whose son-in-law reportedly runs an educational organization that sells critical race theory to schools, and Garland’s recent memorandum directing the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to pursue parents who oppose critical race theory.

“On October 4, you issued a memorandum directing the Federal Bureau of Investigations (“FBI”) and United States Attorneys’ Offices to address purported harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school board members. Actual violence, harassment, and threats are criminal activities and must be condemned. Yet your directive to the FBI runs a serious risk of conflating legitimate and meritorious protest by concerned parents with criminal conduct.”
“Your daughter, Rebecca Garland, married Alexander (“Xan”) Newman Tanner in 2018. Mr. Tanner is a co-founder of Panorama Education (“Panorama”), a ‘social learning’ provider that provides consultancy services that reportedly aids schools in teaching critical race theory under the guise of ‘equity and inclusion’ to America’s children.”
“Your daughter, Rebecca Garland, married Alexander (“Xan”) Newman Tanner in 2018. Mr. Tanner is a co-founder of Panorama Education (“Panorama”), a ‘social learning’ provider that provides consultancy services that reportedly aids schools in teaching critical race theory under the guise of ‘equity and inclusion’ to America’s children.”
“In early September, Parents Defendant Education (PDE) released an article detailing parents’ concerns about data collection and student surveys implemented in Fairfax County, Virginia, under the local school district’s contract with Panorama.
"On September 29, the National School Boards Association sent a letter to the Biden administration raising complaints about parents’ protests at school board meetings.
"Then, less than a week later, you issued the memorandum, which will benefit companies like Panorama, whose contracts may be in jeopardy as parents stand up to school boards and demand that their children not be indoctrinated with critical race theory.”
"On September 29, the National School Boards Association sent a letter to the Biden administration raising complaints about parents’ protests at school board meetings.

“According to the Department of Justice’s (“DOJ”) Conflict of Interest Policy, ‘An employee may not participate, without authorization, in a particular matter having specific parties that could affect the financial interests of members of her household.’ This policy is to prevent both actual conflicts of interests, as well as the appearance of a conflict of interest.”
Read the full text of Sens. Cruz (R-TX,) Mike Lee (R-UT,) and Marsha Blackburn's (R-TN) letter here.