Cong. Sessions' Opponent, Renee Swann: “I know what slavery is like. It’s like being told in Egypt, 'You’ve got to make brick...'"

Gaffe occurs in the home-stretch before July 14th Run-Off Election for Texas' 17th Congressional District

AUSTIN, Texas (Texas Insider Report) — It’s rarely a good idea to reference or equate one’s own personal experience to slavery – especially if you're a wealthy, white American man or woman running for Congress in the United States. Unfortunately, that's what happened recently with Congressional Candidate Renee Swann of Waco, Texas.

Swann is facing former Congressman Pete Sessions (right,) in the July 14th Run-Off Election for Texas' 17th Congressional District, which is based in Waco.

Several months ago, Swann was videotaped equating slavery to her family business’ experience with ObamaCare's "Affordable Care Act".
“I know what slavery is like. It’s like being told in Egypt, 'You’ve got to make brick, and now by the way, you've got to get your own straw to make that brick,'” said Swann.

Swann’s brick analogy comes from the Bible, where in Exodus 5 the Pharaoh of Exgypt orders slave drivers to have their slaves fetch their own straw to make brick.

The Exodus 5 passage reads:
"That same day, Pharaoh gave this order to the slave drivers and overseers in charge of the people:

“You are no longer to supply the people with straw for making bricks; let them go and gather their own straw.

"But require them to make the same number of bricks as before; don’t reduce the quota. They are lazy; that is why they are crying out, ‘Let us go and sacrifice to our God.’

"Make the work harder for the people so that they keep working and pay no attention to lies.”

Here's what Swann (at right,) says in the video, as published recently in "Texas Politics":
“…to vilify the doctors, to remove the relationship, take it out of your hands, to be responsible for your health and your well-being, and how your health dollars get spent, and to make them the enemy so that they’re not happy so that they’re trying to figure out how to make the most dollars off of you that they can.

"Because, by the way, technology never got capped. Our income every year got capped. You can only make this much of money, but the technology that we had to afford kept going up.

"So, I know what slavery’s like. It’s like being told in Egypt, 'You’ve got to make brick, and now by the way, you've got to get your own straw to make that brick.'”

As noted by "Texas Politics", the Republican Party was founded on ending slavery – and has championed the rights of African-Americans since before the end of Slavery.

"Democrats have been trying in earnest to pin the racist tag on President Donald Trump, the Republican Party, and the president’s supporters as a whole," said the publication in an article by founder Javier Manjarres.

Texas Politics obtained the video from a Texas-based political consultant closely tied to the Congressional District 17 Primary Run-Off Election. The consultant, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, sent the video on Sunday, June 14th, the publication said.

