Soaring Gun Sales Signal Trump Victory

“People who buy guns don’t vote for Democrats who are going to take them away.” 

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, Chair of Trump Texas Victory, issued the following statement today:
“More than 2.3 million guns were sold in June, a 145 percent increase from the prior year. The FBI reports they conducted 3.9 million background checks that same month. As violence across America erupts -- homicides are up 24 percent in the country’s fifty largest cities -- citizens are taking steps to protect themselves.
“Democrat led cities across the nation including Portland, Seattle and now Austin are surrendering the streets to lawlessness and mob rule. With their “Defund the Police” rhetoric escalating, they have sent a clear message that protecting and defending their residents is a low priority.
“Citizens are left with few options as liberal Democrat led cities abdicate their responsibilities.
“Guns sales are a leading indicator pointing to Trump’s electoral success in November. The millions of Americans who are buying guns will not vote for a candidate who threatens their Second Amendment rights and promises confiscation policies.
“The Democrats are pushing to defund police – or as Joe Biden says it, “re-direct” police funding. That’s why police officers across the nation are endorsing Trump for President and that’s why I believe Trump will win the election.  
“Americans remember that Biden’s top gun advisor, Beto O’Rourke, promised during the Democrat debates that he would take away our guns -- “hell yes.”
“Gallup estimates that there are roughly 150 million gun owners in America, most of whom understand the need to protect themselves. Those people, including the massive number of people who have purchased guns since mob violence began to erupt on our streets, are not going to vote for Joe Biden.”

More information about Dan Patrick is available at

