CONG. McCAUL: Standing Against Biden’s Proposed Supreme Court 'Overhaul'

This is just another example of the Biden-Harris administration trying to rig the game when they don’t feel like they are winning. 

Texas Insider Report WASHINGTON, D.C. – Last week, President Biden visited Austin, where he announced radical proposals to overhaul the Supreme Court of the United States. His plan includes fundamentally changing the way our Supreme Court operates and amending the Constitution to constrain the Court. 

Our Founding Fathers understood the critical importance of an independent Court, and so do I. House Republicans and I will not allow the Biden administration and radical Democrats to overhaul an equal branch of government.

Meanwhile, groceries and gas remain unaffordable for millions of Americans, our border is wide open, and crime is skyrocketing across the country. President Biden should spend his final months working to fix those crises he created — not pushing a radical amendment to our constitution that would never pass Congress, let alone be ratified by the states.

This is just another example of the Biden-Harris administration trying to rig the game when they don’t feel like they are winning. 
  Threatening a Subpoena to Compel a Response from the State Department 

In 2023, the State Department suspended the security clearance for Special Envoy for Iran Robert Malley and placed him on leave. The State Department failed to notify Congress for two months, and my committee and I only found out when media reports broke the shocking news. 

Since then, I’ve been investigating allegations that Malley — one of the architects of the Obama administration’s Iran Nuclear Deal — downloaded classified information onto his personal devices, which were potentially hacked by Iran, the biggest state sponsor of terror in the world. Unfortunately, the State Department has refused to provide the information I’ve repeatedly requested.

At a time when Iran and its proxies are attacking Israel, our longstanding ally in the Middle East, and working to sow discord here in the U.S., the administration should demonstrate full transparency about Malley’s engagements with Iran, what led to Malley’s clearance suspension, and, if true, what the Iranians may know from him. Instead, the administration continues to withhold information and implement its policy of appeasement.

This week, Senator Jim Risch and I sent a letter to Secretary Blinken, stating that if the administration continues to obstruct my investigation into Robert Malley, I will be forced to issue a subpoena. 
  • Read more about my investigation here.
Unleashing American Energy

Earlier this year, the Biden-Harris administration blocked liquified natural gas (LNG) exports because of pressure from far-left climate activists. This decision weakens U.S. energy both at home and abroad. 

Last month, a federal judge blocked the Department of Energy’s pause on natural gas export permits. I joined a bipartisan group of representatives calling on the administration to authorize LNG exports to unleash American energy. 

Expediting approvals for natural gas exports will create high-paying American jobs, strengthen our economy, and support U.S. allies. 
  The Biden-Harris Administration is Promoting Atheism Abroad

For the first time in U.S. history, the Biden-Harris administration has promoted atheism abroad under the guise of “religious freedom.”

For months, I have called on the State Department to send all documents relating to its partnership with Humanists International, an organization that advances atheism around the world. If the administration fails to provide all relevant information to my committee, I’m prepared to issue a subpoena. 

The State Department serves to advance American interests abroad – not to push an atheist agenda on taxpayers’ dime. I’m determined to get to the bottom of this. 
  • Read more about my ongoing investigation into these grants here.

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