State Rep. Flynn: Most Texans Will Say We Had a Great Session that They Can be Proud Of

We put a significant amount of money toward protecting the border we had some strong pro-life legislation we made some of our retirement systems and our teachers more financially sound and of course the big ones were property tax reform and how we fund public education we did all this and balanced the state budget.


AUSTIN Texas (Texas Insider Report) At the end of the day you never get all the wants but we did get all the needs this session. And according to the Legislative Budget Board we stayed within a conservative level on the State Budget" State Rep. Dan Flynn Chairman of the House Defense & Veterans Affairs Committee tells Insiders Jim Cardle.

For instance covering the Hurricane Harvey expenses to help all those Texans that were so dramatically affected that was a real concern to everybody going into the Session.

When youre talking about billions of dollars that were unexpected needs a lot of folks have forgotten we still have people living in trailer homes and hotels all up and down the Texas coast that have dire needs its pretty significant that we were able to do that in Texas said Flynn one of the Houses most conservative members in an exclusive and wide-ranging interview.


So we put a significant amount of money toward protecting the border we had some strong pro-life legislation we made some of our retirement systems and our teachers more financially sound and of course the big ones were property tax reform and how we fund public education we did all this and balanced the state budget.

If you just kind of roll it around I think most Texans will say we had a great session that they can be proud of" noted Flynn.
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