State Rep. Leach: Legislature Reaches Final Agreement on The Texas Plan

Delivers Historic Investment in Classrooms Substantial
Reduction in Robin Hood & Meaningful Property Tax Relief

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN Texas Today with the support of an overwhelming majority of legislators from the Texas House and Senate Governor Greg Abbott Speaker Dennis Bonnen and Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick announced the final details of The Texas Plan a legislative package providing meaningful property tax relief historic education and school finance reforms substantial reductions in recapture payments and monumental investments in our classrooms.

In response Representative Leach issued the following statement:

I made a commitment to my constituents to roll up my sleeves and work tirelessly to tackle their skyrocketing property taxes reduce our school districts Robin Hood payments reform education and make historic investments in our classrooms. Today with the final details released on The Texas Plan which I was proud to Co-Author I can state with confidence that Ive kept my word. Without question this legislative package represents the most transformative public school finance reform in a generation and is a huge victory for Texas students educators and taxpayers."

Among the many crucial policy components The Texas Plan" includes the following:

  • $4.5 billion for transformational education reforms; including directing more funds to the classroom to accelerate student achievements
  • Over $5 billion in property tax relief with substantial increases in the states share of education funding to drive down local property tax burdens
  • Approximately $3.6 billion in state funding to reduce local Robin Hood" payments
  • Landmark modernizations and reforms to outdated school finance formulas ensuring taxpayer dollars are spent effectively and efficiently
  • $2 billion for dynamic teacher compensation programs including bold investments to recruit and retain the highest quality educators and historic infusions of funding to secure and sustain our retired teachers.
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