Were going to have to be more creative and to be sure were putting the money where the needs are. We cannot allocate money any longer based on what some influential politician wants. We have to have process by which the need drives where the money is spent.
With 95 Republicans or 90 or 100 whatever we end up with after the election the people have said we want Republicans to be driving the policy of this state and we will do that. The biggest financial issue I think well discuss next session will be School Finance because the people have told us the Governor has told us everybody is saying weAnd heres what the voters need to understand: You have only three revenue sources that the state has. Proprty Taxes are done locally but the state still has an influence on them. You have the Sales Tax and then you have the Franchise or Margins Tax. So we have to figure out how to adjust those taxes to make it work" Simmons said.need to get something done said Simmons I believe that if we dont get it all done it will be the beginning of a break-through on School finance this 2019 Session.