STATE REP. HARRISON: Austin City Council's Illegal Resolution to Perpetuate Sex Change Procedures for Children

Actions like the one being proposed today, if passed, make it abundantly clear that this Council is unfit to manage the capital city of the greatest state in our country.

By Texas State Representative Brian Harrison

Report: AUSTIN, Texas The Austin City Council has shown continual disregard for both the laws of this State and the health and safety of your citizens. This Council should remember that the city is a political subdivision of the State of Texas and derives its authority from the State. There is already growing momentum in the Texas legislature for the State to strip the City of Austin of its autonomy and take over city governance.
Actions like the one being proposed today, if passed, make it abundantly clear that this Council is unfit to manage the capital city of the greatest state in our country.

If this resolution passes, the State should also consider enacting legislation to make any council member who votes for resolutions like this personally liable for any costs associated with and harms resulting from the de facto sanctioning and facilitation of these illegal procedures, which result in the mutilation of children and cause them to needlessly become lifelong medical patients.

In supporting this resolution, you will demonstrate your hatred of children, opposition to law and order, willingness to put politics over science, and a prioritization of profits at the expense of patients.

If you vote for it, you disgrace the office you hold, are an embarrassment to the State of Texas, and forfeit any moral authority to govern.

Texas State Representative Brian Harrison served as Chief of Staff at the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services from 2019-2021. He currently serves the citizens of Texas State House District 10 in the Texas Legislature.



