"I completely and unequivocally reject this endorsement."
Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – “On Friday, the LIBRE Initiative endorsed a group of candidates for office. To my surprise, I was listed as one of the candidates. Let me be clear – I did not ask for this endorsement. I completely and unequivocally reject the LIBRE Initiative’s endorsement," said State Representative Tan Parker, who is also a conservative Republican candidate for State Senate District 12 in the DFW area.
“The LIBRE Initiative has made clear where they stand on the issue of amnesty and illegal immigration, and we are not in agreement.
"I believe in the American Dream, and I fully support anyone who comes to this country legally, to achieve this dream.

"I am 100% against any effort to establish programs that create shortcuts or allow certain people to jump to the head of the line. That simply is not the American way," said Parker.
“With the current crisis we have at our southern border, granting amnesty to those who have entered America illegally is simply not an option. Amnesty programs only create a magnet for more illegal immigration and put an even greater strain on our already-overwhelmed Border Patrol agents and resources.
“I will continue to fight against the Biden Administration’s open border policy, which is resulting in unprecedented chaos and death.
“Furthermore, I demand the LIBRE Initiative remove my name from their material and retract their endorsement of my campaign. The voters in Senate District 12 know my record and will not be deceived.”
For more information about the Tan Parker Campaign, visit www.TanParker.com.