Cong. Roger Williams: Democrat's Tax & Spend Package'll Limit Our Freedoms and Destroy Main Street America

I will continue to stand against Democrats socialist tax and spend spree that will limit our freedoms, make our country less competitive, and destroy Main Street America.

By Cong. Roger Williams

Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON, D.C. – I spoke on the House Floor earlier today to address the Democrats' costly and un-American multi-trillion dollar tax and spend package. This plan is nothing more than a wish list of socialist and far-left policies.

As Americans are faced with paying more for everyday items due to skyrocketing inflation and Democrats' expansion of government spending, Washington needs to get back to fiscal responsibility.

Some of the far-left policies in the Democrats' package will:
  • Impose $2.1 Trillion in tax increases on American families and job creators 
  • Create a $3.5 billion Green New Deal youth patrol in order to enforce costly environmental mandates and establish a make-work program for jobless climate activists.
  • Ban domestic energy and mineral production, increasing our dependencies on Russia and China.
  • Allow over $2 billion of taxpayer dollars to fund abortions.
  • Weaponize the IRS and create a new surveillance program that allows the IRS to monitor and track Americans' bank transactions made without a warrant, permission, or limit.
You can read my speech below:

Mr. Speaker, President Biden and Democrats are pushing to pass a multi-Trillion dollar socialist spending agenda that would be the largest tax and spending increase in our Nation’s history, that's frankly money we don't have.

At a time when families and businesses are struggling to deal with President Biden’s reckless economic policies, the Democrats are pushing to spend trillions of more dollars to fund their radical, socialistic, and costly policies.

Just a few of the Democrats’ far-left socialist policies will: 
  • Hit small businesses with a larger tax bill 
  • Impose costly Green New Deal mandates, that simply won't work
  • Increase our energy dependency on Russia and China
  • Weaponize the IRS to target American families and monitor $200 per week bank transactions 
I will continue to stand against Democrats socialist tax and spend spree that will limit our freedoms, make our country less competitive, and destroy Main Street America.

Their agenda is anti-American.

In God we trust.
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