Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON, D.C. – After President Biden announced even more tax hikes on the American people during his first joint address to Congress, Top Republican Leader for the House Ways and Means Committee Kevin Brady (R-TX) issued the following statement:
“President Biden inherited a strong economy and life-saving vaccines, yet he's sabotaging America’s economic recovery with crippling tax hikes that hurt working families and drive jobs overseas – that’s the last thing we need right now.
“Mr. President, what happened to your pledge to unify America and work to find common ground with both parties? Why not start over, ditch this extreme socialist agenda, and stop trying to tax, spend, and borrow from our children’s future.
"We can do so much better together.”
Earlier today, Rep. Brady dubbed President Biden’s “American Families Plan” as the “Crush American Families Plan” and outlined the harms of Dems’ tax grab and out-of-control spending.
"We can do so much better together.”
Watch it here.