TDA Extends Applications for Family Land Heritage Recognition

The TDA Family Land Heritage (FLH) program pays tribute to families who have kept their land in continuous agricultural production for at least 100 years.

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller announced the 2020 Family Land Heritage application deadline has been extended to July 1, 2020. With many county offices closed to the public in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this extension is intended to allow families additional time to gather the documents necessary to apply.

The Texas Department of Agriculture’s (TDA) Family Land Heritage (FLH) program pays tribute to families who have kept their land in continuous agricultural production for at least 100 years. 

Eligible farms and ranches must be owned and operated by the descendants of the original founder, either through blood, marriage or adoption. At least 10 acres of the land must have been in continuous agricultural production for the past 100 years or more.
Necessary documents to apply include: land ownership documents that prove continual possession by the descendants of the founder of the property, and a completed Family Land Heritage application. Families are encouraged to contact their county clerk to locate supporting documents needed.

In addition, a family’s completed application and supporting documents must be submitted for certification to the county judge where the property is located . Applicants are encouraged to contact the county judge to arrange the verification of their application and supporting documents by email, mail or fax. TDA will accept a scanned copy or the electronic signature of the county judge in place of the original wet signature.
FLH applications may be submitted to the Texas Department of Agriculture in either digital or hard copy form.

For more information or to apply for FLH recognition, click here.

