Comptroller Hegar Kicks Off Broadband Listening Tour to Address Internet Access Across Texas

“The state broadband plan will be identifying challenges, charting goals and encouraging investment to expand high-speed internet access to areas most in need."

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas — Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar is kicking off a Texas broadband listening tour to get Texans’ insights about internet access and collect input to develop the state’s first broadband plan. The tour, which will help guide the strategic vision of Texas’ new Broadband Development Office (BDO), will take Hegar to a dozen locations, starting today, March 1, at Prairie View A&M University.

“When my agency was tasked with creating Texas’ first-ever broadband development office and bringing reliable high-speed internet to every corner of the state, we knew we couldn’t do it alone,” Hegar said. “The state broadband plan will be identifying challenges, charting goals and encouraging investment to expand high-speed internet access to areas most in need. To accomplish this, we want input on the most efficient and effective way to use funding because local residents know better than anyone how to meet the needs of their communities.”

The tour events are free, and Texans are encouraged to attend and share their thoughts about broadband services in their communities. Please visit Texas Broadband Listening Tour 2022 for details about events near you. Texans who are unable to attend, or who wish to share input before or after an event, are encouraged to do so via this online survey. Feedback will be collected through May 5.

The BDO was established during the regular session of the 87th Legislature to award grants, low-interest loans and other financial incentives to expand access to broadband service across the state.

The office also will do the following:
  • create and update a state broadband plan for closing the digital divide in Texas;
  • create a broadband map indicating areas eligible for financial assistance;
  • secure federal funding for broadband expansion initiatives;
  • engage in outreach to communities regarding the expansion and adoption of broadband service and the programs administered by the BDO;
  • serve as the state's subject matter expert for federal funding to help local communities expand access; and
  • create and administer the Texas broadband pole replacement program aimed at bringing broadband to unserved areas of the state.

For more information about the BDO, go to the Comptroller's website.
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