Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan Issues Interim Charges, Forms Interim Committees

Charges to committees reflect priorities of the legislative body, emphasize policy areas including criminal justice and healthcare reform, infrastructure and economy
Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas –
Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan today issued interim committee charges for the 87th Legislature.

The charges, which House committees will begin studying in the coming months, reflect a variety of issues facing the state and build upon the work accomplished during the most recent legislative sessions. The charges will help guide the House heading into the 88th Legislature, set to begin in 2023, as committees gain input from Texans, research potential legislative solutions and recommend policies to the full House chamber.

“These charges touch on the most pressing issues facing Texans, from improving the quality and safety of our state’s foster care system to confronting our state’s growing infrastructure demands,” Speaker Phelan said. “As House committees formally kick off their work for the interim, I'm confident that their research and recommendations on these topics will position our chamber to tackle these priorities in an effective and productive manner once the Legislature convenes in January.”

The full list of interim charges can be found here.

 In addition to releasing interim charges, Speaker Phelan also announced the creation of the House Interim Study Committee on Criminal Justice Reform and the House Select Committee on Health Care Reform. These committees were established for the purpose of dedicating extra attention to the policies that influence outcomes in the state’s criminal justice and health care systems.

 “The interim charges are the result of my conversations with House colleagues from across the state, many of whom have concluded there is more work to be done to reform the state's health care and criminal justice systems,” Speaker Phelan added. “That’s why I have formed two interim committees to devote special attention to these issues, which I consider of utmost importance heading into the next legislative session.”

The membership and duties of each committee are outlined within the following proclamations:
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