MOORE: The More the Feds Subsidize Student Loans, the More Colleges Raise Tuition

What is clear is that almost none of these treasure chests of wealth are being used to make college more affordable.

WASHINGTON, DC (Texas Insider Report) — Last week we shared some charts on the utter failure and folly of federal intervention in education for K-12.

Many of your editors have been in Washington for nearly 40 years (yes, we are swamp creatures), and we’ve waited a long, long time for a glorious day like yesterday.

President Trump has heroically declared that most of the programs at the Department of Education add no value for our children and will be shuttered with the money block granted to the states.  As he said in his statement, after 50 years of spending nearly $3 trillion, there is zero evidence of any positive results on school performance.

An even bigger failure has been the $1.5 trillion student loan boondoggle. As even more federal dollars have flowed into higher education in grants and (largely forgivable) loans.  This is the result:

We got a lot of praise and criticism from readers for our call to impose an excise tax on university tax-free endowments above $1 billion.

But what is clear is that almost none of these treasure chests of wealth are being used to make college more affordable. Shameful.

Stephen Moore – a former Wall Street Journal Editorial Page writer and Chief Economist for The Texas Insider – is a Senior Fellow at both FreedomWorks and the Heritage Foundation, is an economic advisor to the Trump Campaign, who along with Steve Forbes & Art Laffer is Co-Founder of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity. Using compelling charts, videos, and maybe even a little humor, Moore and the Committee's free Daily Newsletter provide you with short and timely insider updates on the economy, the D.C. political landscape and numerous other issues that help you stay informed and allow you to be the smartest person in the room. Its information not readily available anywhere else.

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