The Verdict: Cong. Carter's Work for TX-31 & Our Nation

Carter: Updates on Congress and Our Community

By Cong. John Carter

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Texas Insider Report) — Liberal cities across America have suggested using public schools to house the influx of illegal immigrants pouring into our country. Students are still struggling to recover from the devastating pandemic-era learning losses. The last thing our kids need is for their place of learning to be turned into a shelter for illegal immigrants.

Last week, House Republicans passed H.R. 3941, the Schools Not Shelters Act, sending a message to sanctuary cities that schools should not be used to house illegal aliens. Students shouldn't have to pay the price for Joe Biden's failed border policies.

Appropriations Bills Move Through Committee
This week, the House Appropriations Committee passed the Transportation, Housing & Urban Development Appropriations bill, which reduces wasteful spending and cuts bureaucracy.

This package:
  • Reduces funding by $8.35 billion across 19 grant programs.
  • Cuts funding for Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) grant programs by 28%
  • Rejects the administration’s plan to increase bureaucracy by 2,300 employees within the Department of Transportation and HUD.
Prevents the administration’s wasteful climate change initiatives.

Reaffirming America's Support for Israel
I welcomed Ari Hoffman from Cedar Park as my guest for the Joint Meeting of Congress to hear from President Isaac Herzog of Israel. This Joint Meeting was a testament to the strong partnership, shared values, and deep friendship between the United States and Israel.

Unfortunately, Israel has been a target of damaging rhetoric from the left.

Last week, I supported H.Con.Res. 57 which rejects antisemitism and xenophobia and reaffirms America’s support of Israel.

Improving Access to Healthcare In Rural Communities
I met with John Henderson, President of the Texas Organization of Rural & Community Hospitals (TORCH), to discuss the importance and needs of rural hospitals in TX-31.

Rural hospitals provide access to care, important economic development, and play an essential role in the fabric of rural America!

Former Williamson County Judge John Carter represents the 31st Congresssional District in Congress, where he serves as the Chairman on the Military Construction & Veterans Affairs Appropriations Committee. He also sits on the Commerce, Justice and Science Subcommittee, and the Defense Subcommittee.

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