These Protests Are the Result of Bad Parenting and an Education System Churning Out Morons

By Derek Hunter

Sometimes, good parents raise bad kids. It is possible to do everything right and still churn out a real piece of post-digested food. It happens. It just doesn’t happen very often, which is why it’s pretty easy to look at the mutant mob and professional protester class currently staging mini-Beer Hall Putschs they hope will weave together into a one, large real opportunity for them to murder as many white people, normal people, straight people, non-obedient people and especially Jews as possible. Fascists always have a real problem with Jews. 

So, where did all these bi-pedal piles of garbage on college campuses in blue states across the country come from? It’s really easy to just say “bad parents,” and it’s also true – most of their parents truly suck. They’re probably “down” with the cause, proud of their little Goebbels wannabes and aspiring Himmlers; happy to drop more than the average American annual salary on the further indoctrination of their drone. But these goose-stepping goon squad members wouldn’t be able to exist without an education system that keeps them ignorant of history and unable to think for themselves. 

Progressivism – be it in the form of communism, socialism or fascism – requires an unquestioning, obedient population to thrive. Luckily, it is human nature to question things, either in a quest for knowledge or simple curiosity. That means most people’s minds are not fertile ground for stupidity. But some people’s heads are naturally full of fertilizer and not much else – a vacuum of intelligence in which these poisonous ideas take root and flourish. 

It is not surprising that an American student would have no idea what the story and truth behind “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” is. Honestly, it’s not really an issue on this half of the planet. What is surprising, and a testament to just how effective the Democratic Party has been in indoctrinating kids, is how even after these protesters learn that it is a literal call for genocide against Jews created by terrorists and terrorist sympathizers, these morons still chant it. 

At no point in the process, no matter the similarities between what the Nazis did and what these new Nazis are doing, does it occur to any of them that they are actually what they claim to hate. 

You have to be a special kind of stupid to miss it, or woefully educated by a system no longer teaching kids to how to think, just to conform.

This is what happens when the walls of your public schools are littered with flags and pictures dedicated to the sex life of the purple-haired, pierced, gender-dysphoric lesbian literature major from Smith College or frustrated theater nerd who studied ethnic dance at Brown who is now teaching 2nd graders how basic addition and subtraction are colonizing ideals created to advance both the patriarchy and white supremacy.

But bad school systems can only exist if bad parents allow them to. I’m not talking about in major Democrat-controlled cities where no one in the political class gives a single damn about who schools are graduating kids who can’t read, they aren’t going to college at a high enough rate. 

I’m talking about the well-to-do suburban, chardonnay-sipping mom with the “ready to virtue-signal” excitement should (fingers crossed) at least one of their kids turn out to be “trans.” The parents who order several copies of the latest children’s book published by NAMBLA because it might get “banned” by an elementary school, but would burn down the place should a kid bring in a Bible. They elect like-minded people to the school board, then stop paying attention or caring about failure to teach or anything except the fundraiser to collect money to help all the 22-year-old illiterate in their own language and unable to speak English illegal alien “10th graders” on their “sexual assault in every district in the state” tour, while making sure to set aside a little extra for some touch-up work on their face and neck tattoos.
These are people who are such stereotypes that if they weren’t real and you wrote fiction about them it would be considered some kind of hate crime. 

They suck as parents, belching out entitled brats with walls of participation ribbons and zero accomplishments. Arrogant and ignorant, born on 3rd base while demanding high-fives from everyone like they’d hit a triple. Either spanked too much or not enough, their kids inflict all the anger and confusion that goes with never coming within a country mile of receiving the approval of their pharmaceutically numbed birthing persons. 

Now they’re on campus, calling for the extermination of everyone who won’t bow down to them while their parents act with all the concern a tornado has for the destruction in its wake. 

Parents who moved to a status city with highly ranked schools never bothered to care about what the schools were teaching or whether or not their kids were learning. Now they’re in the quad, picking up where Hitler left off. These reliable Democratic Party voters are everything wrong with the country. 

I’d say them and Joe Biden are everything wrong with the country, but Joe Biden is one of them, no need to separate. His kids went the drug abuse route rather than activism, but the starting line was the same. The upbringing was the same. 

What we’re watching now is the end result of a failed public education system more interested in making sure students can name more pronouns than states or presidents; they can count in microaggressions but can’t do math. None of which is by accident – an educated population able to think for itself would never tolerate what Democrats do or vote for them to do it in the first place. 

Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!) and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses, and host of the weekly “Week in F*cking Review” podcast where the news is spoken about the way it deserves to be. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.
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