Obama Approval Ratings fell further during 1st Year than Trumps
Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON D.C. A
Rasmussen poll released Thursday put President Donald Trumps Approval Rating at 46 with a 53 disapproval rating.
On the same date at the end of President Barack Obamas first year in office December 28th 2009 Obama was sitting at a

47approval rate with 52 disapproving.
And one day later on December 29th 2016 President Obamas approval rating fell again to 46.
While news media have attempted to focus attention on President Trumps relatively low approval ratings throughout the year Trump is set to end his first year in office on par with his predecessor Barack Obama.
And when comparing the decline in eachs approval rating from the date of their respective Inaugurations President Barack Obama fell significantly further to get to his end-of-year approval rating than has President Donald Trump.
- On his Inauguration Day of January 20th 2009 Obama enjoyed an Approval Rate of 67
- On Trumps January 20th Inauguration Rasmussen scored Trump with an Approval Rate of 56
- On December 28th 2009 at the end of his 1st year in office Obama had an Approval Rating of 47
- The Rasmussen Poll released Thursday (December 28th) showed Trumps Approval Rating at 46

Presidential approval ratings are generally high during their Inauguration period as evidenced when President Trump topped his approval ratings on January 26 2017 at 59 approval.
President Obama never again beat his Inauguration Day Approval Rating during the first year of his presidency.