WASHINGTON, D.C. (Texas Insider Report) — It’s the first time Gallup has ever given President Donald Trump a positive job approval differential since entering office – 49% of the 1,020 participants surveyed between March 13th-22nd say they now approve of the job President Trump is doing, while 45% said they disapproved.
And the new poll from Gallup, published Tuesday, shows President Trump is receiving a significant bump in his approval numbers across several key demographics.

Independents and Democrats both approve of Trump at higher rates than they did in the previous Gallup Poll:
- 43% of Independents currently approve of the president, an 8% increase from the previous poll, and
- 13% of Democrats responded in kind, nearly doube the previous poll’s mark of 7%
- 60% of All Participants approved, including
- 94% of Republicans
- 60% of Independents, and
- 27% of Democrats.
- Just 38% of respondents disapproved.
- A Harris Poll published March 19th showed that 56% of respondents approved of President Trump’s CoronaVirus response.
- And a Monmouth University Poll released Monday showed that 50% of surveyed participants approved of Trump’s handling of the pandemic, while
- Just 45% of the same sample approved of the Media’s Coverage of the CoronaVirus pandemic.