Trump Earns Best Job Approval Numbers Ever in Gallup Poll, with Massive Increase Among Independents

Trump’s support even higher when specifically asked about CoronaVirus response

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Texas Insider Report) — It’s the first time Gallup has ever given President Donald Trump a positive job approval differential since entering office – 49% of the 1,020 participants surveyed between March 13th-22nd say they now approve of the job President Trump is doing, while 45% said they disapproved.

And the new poll from Gallup, published Tuesday, shows President Trump is receiving a significant bump in his approval numbers across several key demographics.

According to Gallup, Trump has twice posted a 49% approval rating in previous polls, which represents his high mark as president. Both occurred earlier in 2020 as the impeachment trial concluded in the Senate.

Independents and Democrats both approve of Trump at higher rates than they did in the previous Gallup Poll:
  • 43% of Independents currently approve of the president, an 8% increase from the previous poll, and
  • 13% of Democrats responded in kind, nearly doube the previous poll’s mark of 7%
Trump’s approvals were even higher when the poll specifically asked about his CoronaVirus response:
  • 60% of All Participants approved, including
    • 94% of Republicans
    • 60% of Independents, and
    • 27% of Democrats.
    • Just 38% of respondents disapproved.
The latest Gallup results mirror other recent polls released in the past week:
  • A Harris Poll published March 19th showed that 56% of respondents approved of President Trump’s CoronaVirus response.
  • And a Monmouth University Poll released Monday showed that 50% of surveyed participants approved of Trump’s handling of the pandemic, while
  • Just 45% of the same sample approved of the Media’s Coverage of the CoronaVirus pandemic.
Some 6% of those responding to the Gallup Poll said they had no opinion of the president's performance.

