Trumps Budget Puts Washington in Its Place

By Washington Examiner The White Houses budget covers hundreds of federal agencies and $3 trillion in spending so there is plenty in there to like and dislike. Most budget commentary criticizes or praises this cut or that hike or defends or assails this agency or that program. This sort of Beltway budget banter is all well and good even though the details are likely to change dramatically before a budget resolution is passed. But President Trumps blueprint tells a more important story to the close reader. The bigger question isnt what agency needs how much money. Its not even about efficiency1:22 The bigger question is this: Which activities are properly performed by the federal government and which activities are properly left to other bodies such as states local governments the private sector or nonprofit organizations? For much of the Washington news media cutting federal funding for something is the same as opposing that thing. Trumps budget however makes a distinction that these critics miss. Federal funding should be for things that are best done by the federal government. Many things are better done at a level of government closer to the individual or even outside government altogether. Subsidiarity is the word Catholics use to describe the principle that different functions are properly assigned to different levels of government or civil society. This idea runs subtly through Trumps blueprint. Within the Education Department for instance the budget blueprint Eliminates or reduces over 20 categorical programs that do not address national needs duplicate other programs or are more appropriately supported with State local or private funds. In general The Department would refocus its mission on supporting States and school districts in their efforts to provide high-quality education to all our students. At the Energy Departments Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Trumps blueprint doesnt eliminate renewable energy funding but instead focuses it on limited early-stage applied energy research and development activities where the Federal role is stronger. In other words research that can be commercialized is properly carried out and funded by commercial enterprises not by governments. Obamas EERE by contrast became a venture capital fund picking companies such as Solyndra to invest in. Trumps blueprint has the same prescription for Department of Energys Fossil Energy Research and Development program and Office of Nuclear Energy that these programs should fund basic research only. Also from the Washington Examiner

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