MARTINEZ: Tulsi Gabbard Takes on Today’s Real Racists in Explosive ‘For Love of Country’ Book

Democrats place "Racism" at the center of every discussion & policy in America for a simple reason: Power
By Bill Martinez

Former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard’s new book, For Love of Country: Leave the Democrat Party Behind, is the must-read of our time. As we head into a fateful election, Americans will hear accusation after accusation slung by politicians and their mouthpieces in and out of the media from both sides. As the noise reaches its inevitable deafening crescendo, and Americans must choose the nation’s direction for the next four years and perhaps forever, it may become more and more difficult to separate fact from farce and discern who is telling the truth.

Gabbard, the former congresswoman from Hawaii and first Hindu to seek the presidency, breaks through the noise and exposes one party and its elites for using race and racism to divide Americans against each other. And she exposes why they are doing it.

It’s fair to say, as Gabbard does, that America has had a troubled past when it comes to race – as has every other nation at some point in history, and as do many and perhaps most countries today. Slavery was practiced for centuries in America, and after it was abolished, Jim Crow segregation (instigated by Democrats) rose to give racism the force of law. In the 1960s, though, segregation was defeated decisively and tossed into the fires of history.

That should have been that.

And for decades, until the Obama years, racial reconciliation proceeded without challenge across America.

While this past is simply fact, it is the past. And America’s exceptional founding on ideals and aspirations rather than tribe or blood, made it possible to put the evils of slavery and segregation firmly in the past where they must stay. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and other civil rights leaders and activists of the time did not reject America. They did not say America is racist beyond hope. They did not castigate America’s founders as evil.

In fact, Gabbard writes, King, John Lewis, and other civil rights activists going back all the way to the great Frederick Douglass highlighted the fact that America’s founders wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution not as instruments of racism and oppression, but as Douglass, said, documents of “glorious liberty,” and as King said, a “promissory note” that America was founded on its radical ideals so that all people of all races could be and would be free. America’s founding unleashed not racism on the world, but human rights and liberty. 

So why, then, has one party become utterly obsessed with casting America as irredeemably racist, built on lies, controlled by a race that oppresses all others, founded by monsters – decades after racism totally lost its flimsy legal basis?
  • Why does the Biden administration obsess over America’s alleged past evils while threats from China, Russia, and Islamic jihadism rise all over the world?
  • Why have our universities become hotbeds of anti-American indoctrination?
  • Why have millions of young Americans been taught in our public schools to hate our country? 
Gabbard writes that one party – the Democrats – have engineered and promoted claims that America is hopelessly racist, even evil. They are now building their entire argument for power on the claim that America cannot be saved as is, that its institutions are racist to the core and must be dismantled.

The Democrats fail to explain what would come after this “dismantling” of America’s founding and institutions. Their prophets of racist doom – figures such as Ibrahim X. Kendi and Robin DiAngello – clearly want America gone and replaced with something else. But what?

The Democrats place race at the center of every discussion and every policy in America for a simple reason: power. Gabbard exposes in detail how and why her former party – the one she has publicly chosen to leave and to call out – has latched onto race to divide us and ultimately destroy our country in their drive for total and unchallenged power.

Gabbard wrote For Love of Country out of a sincere desire to warn Americans and save the country from its greatest threat: today’s woke Democrats, who she says have abandoned the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, and who have ultimately abandoned everything that is and should be America itself.  

The Democrats now, Gabbard writes, are clearly and openly the party of racism. They have latched onto the racist writings of DiAngelo, Kindi, and many others, and weaponized race to chip away and ultimately destroy the ability to discuss anything openly and fearlessly in American society. 

Tulsi Gabbard’s clarity of thinking, her boldness, her courage, and her deep understanding of history combine into one of the great books of the year, and one of the great American treatises on politics, society, and liberty, of the last several years.

For Love of Country: Leave the Democrat Party Behind is groundbreaking, forward-thinking, and indispensable. 
Bill Martinez is an award winning marketing and broadcast journalist and host of the nationally syndicated radio show, Bill Martinez Live. Find out more at
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