TWC Approves an Additional $5 million for use in Skills Development Funds

“This additional $5 million from the Skills Development Fund will enable TWC to help prepare our Texas workforce for high demand occupations.”
--TWC Chairman Bryan Daniel

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) has approved an additional $5 million from the Skills Development Fund (SDF) to be used to support training in high demand occupations with priority given to training in the healthcare, manufacturing and IT sectors in direct response to needs identified by COVID-19.

“This additional $5 million from the Skills Development Fund will enable TWC to help prepare our Texas workforce for high demand occupations,” said TWC Chairman Bryan Daniel. “Skills Development Fund grants reflect the state’s continued commitment to upgrading worker talent which leads to successful and rewarding careers.”

On April 14, 2020, TWC approved up to $10 million in SDF to support COVID-19 Skills grants. To date, 50 grants have been awarded totaling $9,947,500 across a variety of sectors. These grants are projected to train 5,326 workers. Additional applications for funding have been received, pushing the amount of funding needed in excess of the $10 million approved on April 14. Due to the success of SDF grants and the ongoing need for training for employers, TWC has approved these additional funds in support of this special initiative.  

“The Texas labor force stands willing and able to meet the demands of Texas’ employers and the Skills Development Fund is an essential component of that,” said TWC Commissioner Representing Labor Julian Alvarez. “We need to continue to recognize how crucial it is to give our workers the training and education needed to be competitive in today’s job market.”

The Skills Development Fund grant program has provided training opportunities in partnership with more than 4,500 employers to upgrade or create more than 385,633 jobs throughout Texas. This program supports customized job skills training for incumbent and new employees in collaboration with Texas public community and technical colleges and local employers. TWC works closely with employers and training providers to ensure that training meets specific performance measures and benefits the employer and trainees.

“This additional funding for the Skills Development Fund-COVID 19 grant is a win-win situation because it helps the Texas employer receive customized and market driven training that is essential for their business needs today,” said TWC Commissioner Representing Employers Aaron Demerson. “These additional funds will help create more career opportunities across Texas and strengthen our world-class Texas talent pipeline.”

Employers seeking more information about the Skills Development Fund may visit the TWC website at
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