TWC Commissioner Aaron Demerson Presents $606,113 in Grant Funding to the North Central Texas-Area

These grants will benefit workers in the Workforce Solutions North Texas and Workforce Solutions for North Central Texas areas.

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas — The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) has awarded two Skills Development Fund grants: a $289,982 grant to Collin College and a manufacturing consortium of Tower Extrusions and Quest Medical and a $316,131 grant to Collin College in partnership with a business consortium of Platform Manufacturing Group, Forte Payment Systems and Natural Polymer International Corporation. These grants will benefit workers in the Workforce Solutions North Texas and Workforce Solutions for North Central Texas areas.

“Congratulations to Collin College, Workforce Solutions North Central, Workforce Solutions North Texas, and the consortium of business and manufacturing companies on creating career opportunities that ensure their local community has a talented and competitive workforce,” said TWC Commissioner Representing Employers Aaron Demerson. “Employee development and training not only helps Texans upskill into rewarding and higher paying careers, but it opens the door for better service, higher quality products and a more valuable workforce.”

The grant to Collin College in partnership with Tower Extrusions and Quest Medical will be used to provide training to 193 new and incumbent workers. Trainees from the manufacturing consortium will include customer service representatives, mechanical engineers, industrial engineers, production workers and staff accountants.

The grant to Collin College in partnership with Platform Manufacturing Group, Forte Payment Systems and Natural Polymer International Corporation will be used to provide training to 134 new and incumbent workers. Trainees from the business consortium will include accountants, software programmers, production workers, fabrication specialist and database analysts.

Since its inception in 1996, the Skills Development Fund grants have created or upgraded more than 385,622 jobs throughout Texas. During fiscal year 2019, the grants supported the creation of 3,568 new jobs. The Legislature allocated $48 million to the Skills Development Fund for the 2018-19 biennium. Employers seeking more information about the Skills Development Fund may visit the TWC website at

