TWC Invests Nearly $315 Million to Support Low-Income Family Child Care and Strengthen Economy

Funds will continue TWC’s goal of serving more families

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) approved $314.75 million to be made available for child care funding to support low-income Texas families. In November 2021, the Commission allocated over $293 million for low-income child care scholarships, bringing the total funding dedicated to $607.95 million for families through 2024. These funds will help address local demand for subsidized child care and enroll more children currently on existing waiting lists.

TWC plans to disperse this funding statewide through local Workforce Solutions partners in the form of 12-month child care subsidies. This program expansion is funded by a Child Care Development Block Grant through federal stimulus legislation passed by Congress.

The nearly $315 million in additional low-income family funding will be available over the next two and a half years.
  • $46.25 million will be available from May to September 2022
  • $138.75 million will be available October 2022 to September 2023
  • $129.75 million will be available October 2023 to September 2024
 “Child care scholarships for low-income Texas families are vital for the overall success of the Texas labor force,” said TWC Commissioner Representing Labor Julian Alvarez. “Affordable, quality child care has a ripple effect in the economy and at home.”

The Texas statewide system served approximately 121,000 children per day in December of 2021. There are over 38,000 children across the state on waiting lists. It is estimated these additional funds will support about 15,800 more children a day from May 2022 to September 2022. That number will more than double in 2023 and 2024.

“Quality child care is a win-win situation for our Texas employers and job seekers alike," said TWC Commissioner Representing Employers Aaron Demerson. “These additional funds will assist those Texans returning to work, and assist those child care specific employers in growing their business and providing much needed services to the growing population here in Texas.” 

To learn more about child care assistance availability in your community, visit and locate a Workforce Solutions office under Financial Assistance. To find available child care program and availability near you, visit

