TWC Reinstates Work Requirements for Child Care

“TWC's child care programs help parents care for their children, while they provide for their families.”

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) approved changes to its subsidized child care program to reinstate work requirements for parents receiving benefits. The change, following the state’s continued re-openings of businesses, brings TWC's subsidized care program in line with its mission: to provide improved access to quality child care to enable families to return to work. The change goes into effect Nov. 1, but most parents on the program will continue to be covered until Nov. 27.

“This action ensures working parents continue to have access to an important child care program,” said TWC Chairman Bryan Daniel.  “TWC's child care programs help parents care for their children, while they provide for their families.”

TWC removed the work requirement as part of its COVID-19 response, to provide short-term relief and greater stability for child care providers. With more Texas businesses getting back to work, however, the lack of a work requirement makes it more difficult for working families to access those funds. There are currently 39,000 Texans on waiting lists for the program.

“Access to child care is essential to our workforce and our state’s economy,” said Commissioner Representing Labor Julian Alvarez. “This action will ensure those funds go to those people who need it the most – workers who have returned to work, but face the challenges of paying for care for pre-school children.”

TWC will provide a grace period so that parents currently on the program who have already received three or more months of child care following a permanent job loss will continue to receive subsidized child care through Nov. 27.
“Texas continues to re-open  and more businesses are adapting to do so both strategically and safely,” said Commissioner Representing Employers Aaron Demerson. “Ensuring workers have access to child care they can afford is paramount to helping Texans get back to work, which is key to helping Texas’ economy grow.”

