TWC Waves Certain Requirements for Unemployment Benefits Services

Waiting Week and Search Requirements Waived for Unemployment Insurance

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas — Texas Gov. Greg Abbott instructed the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) to waive the waiting week, for Unemployment Benefits. In addition to waiving the waiting week, TWC is exercising its authority under the Governor’s declaration of a Statewide Disaster to waive Unemployment Insurance work search requirements effective immediately. These measures support the State’s efforts to address the impact the COVID-19 virus is having on the state’s economy and its workforce.

The waiting week is the first payable week of an individual’s claim for Unemployment Benefits. Under normal circumstances, TWC cannot pay for the first week of a claim until an individual receives 2 times their weekly benefit amount and returns to full-time work or has exhausted their benefits. However, by waiving the waiting week, Gov. Abbott has provided the opportunity for TWC to provide relief to Texans who need it.

Previously to be eligible for unemployment benefits, applicants were required to register for work search on and meet minimum number of work search activities per week. TWC is temporarily waving these requirements to ensure all Texans can have access to resources when in need.

Those seeking to apply for Unemployment Benefits will need to submit an application. In order to apply you will need:
  • Last employer's business name and address
  • First and last dates (month, day and year) you worked for your last employer
  • Number of hours worked and pay rate if you worked this week (including Sunday)
  • Information related to your normal wage
  • Alien Registration Number (if not a U.S. citizen or national)
Once you have an unemployment benefits claim, you can sign up for Electronic Correspondence for online access to your unemployment benefits correspondence. Electronic Correspondence allows you to receive most, but not all, of your unemployment notices and forms electronically in a secure, online mailbox. You are responsible for regularly checking your online inbox, regardless of whether you receive an email notifying you of new mail. All Electronic Correspondence documents are also available as accessible versions for visually impaired customers.

Job seekers can call their local Workforce Solutions office for access to job-search resources, job postings and training programs, as well as assistance with exploring career options, résumé and application preparation, career development and more. Customers also may connect with potential employers through TWC’s online job-search engine, by visiting

 These are challenging times, but I know Americans will get through this. I want to reassure you that I am committed to working with my federal, state and local counterparts to ensure that all resources are activated for our public health. Information about the Coronavirus is ever-evolving, please check my resource page for information to assist businesses, employees, parents, and individuals impacted by Coronavirus. 
Guidelines for America: 15 Days to Slow the Spread of Coronavirus 
With positive Coronavirus cases within Texas' 31st District, it's more important than ever to follow the guidance from medical experts. The Administration has released a set of guidelines to reduce the transmission of Coronavirus. I want to share those guidelines so you and your family can make the most informed decisions during this time.

COVID-19 Guidance for Veterans
As the Representative for the largest population of veterans in Texas, I wanted to let you know that the Department of Veterans Affairs has created a resource page for veterans experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or with questions regarding care. Any veteran with symptoms such as fever, cough or shortness of breath should immediately contact their local VA facility. 
Guidance for Small Business
Many have expressed concerns regarding the impacts of COVID-19 on small businesses in Texas.  Governor Abbott recently announced a State Emergency Declaration allowing access to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Disaster Loans. SBA provides low-interest, long-term disaster loans to businesses of all sizes and private non-profits. Before a business can be eligible for SBA funds, the county in which the business resides must meet an economic threshold. To assist in that process, first register your business with the Texas Division of Emergency Management.

Once that economic threshold is met, businesses will be able to receive funds if they apply and qualify. For more information on how to apply for SBA Disaster Loans, click here. 
Share Your Story
I want to know how Coronavirus is impacting you and your family. Your stories help me craft better legislation to assist you as this crisis continues. Let me know your experience to the right of this email. 

Remember, I have launched a Coronavirus resources page on my website with information about legislative action Congress is taking, links to school districts for their operating statuses, assistance from the Small Business Administration and CDC guidelines. 

Be sure to follow my Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts for additional updates.
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