Cong. Carter's TX-31 Report: Inauguration, COVID-19 Vaccine & Executive Orders

Congressman John Carter
"Front-line health care workers, residents of long-term care facilities, individuals over 65 years old, or individuals over 16 years old with a chronic medical condition. . ."

The Peaceful Transition of Power
Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON, D.C. – Last Wednesday, we witnessed the peaceful transition of power that has marked our nation’s history for centuries. I thank President Trump and Vice President Pence for their service to our country, and congratulate President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on taking the oath to preserve, protect, and defend our Constitution. Now it is time to get to work to find meaningful solutions to the challenges Americans face, while standing up for our district’s values of freedom, liberty, and smaller government.

COVID Vaccine Availability in TX-31
Both TX-31 counties serve as part of the 28 vaccination hubs across Texas. Front-line health care workers, residents of long-term care facilities, individuals over 65 years old, or individuals over 16 years old with a chronic medical condition that puts them at increased risk are eligible to receive the vaccine.

 Williamson County has begun vaccinating eligible residents through its partnership with Family Hospital Systems (FHS). For more information on Williamson County vaccinations and how to register, click HERE.

 Bell County received its second shipment of the COVID vaccine this week. As the county continues to receive shipments, availability for appointments will increase. To monitor the status of appointments and general vaccine information, click HERE.

 In addition to these hubs, local vaccine providers may have the vaccine available. To find locations, click HERE, but always contact the provider in advance to confirm.

Biden’s Executive Orders Harm American Jobs
In his first 24 hours in office, President Joe Biden has issued multiple executive orders which will ultimately harm American families and our economy. By rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement, the Biden administration is leading us towards the loss of 400,000 jobs, a $20,000 decrease in family income per family of four, and an increase in household energy expenditures up to 20%, all by the year 2035. In addition, by revoking the permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline, Biden singlehandedly cut thousands of construction jobs, and undermined our relationship with one of our greatest trade partners, Canada. In my opinion, President Biden is undoing several policies that put Americans first. We must continue to put American jobs, our economic strength and independence, at the forefront of policymaking and I will continue to fight for these TX-31 values as I represent you in Congress.
 What do you think?

With the start of a new Congress and Administration, I want to hear from you on the issues you care about most. Please take a moment to participate in the survey included in this message.

