TX Victory: Abbott Signs Anti-Voter Corruption Law to Strengthen Election Integrity, Transparency

Legislature Must Take Further Action in Special Session

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – Texas Governor Greg Abbott has signed into law HB 2283, legislation prohibiting private ideological groups, corporations, and big tech companies from funding local elections to selectively affect turnout.

In mid-March, polling by WPA Intelligence found that 81% of Texas voters think Voting by Mail should have the same Voter I.D. protections as required when voting in person.

Just prior to the end of the 2021 Legislative Session last month, Texas House Democrats (right,) refused to finalize the main election integrity bill (SB 7) that would have ensured:
  • Voter I.D. for Mail-In Ballots
  • Protect poll watchers, and
  • Add protections Against Ballot Harvesting, and more
Additional action in a Special Session is now needed to enact  the landmark legislation.

National Chairman of the Election Transparency Initiative and former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli praised the legislation saying:

“We are grateful to Governor Abbott and the Texas legislature for acting on this critical piece of anti-corruption legislation, sorely needed in Texas to help clean up the use of private money selectively funneled into local elections. The corrupting influence of big tech oligarchs like Mark Zuckerberg dilutes the voice and vote of Texans, manipulates the official voting apparatus, and undermines trust and confidence in the democratic process.

“Without delay, we urge continued action in a special session to restore fair, secure, and transparent elections Texans can trust. Now more than ever, the legislature must finish the work obstructed by Texas House Democrats who abandoned their duty in May and ensure every legal vote will be counted fairly and openly in Texas.”

Additional polling released by the Honest Elections Project found that Americans of all backgrounds and political persuasions overwhelmingly favor requiring that voters show ID to vote:
  • 64% of Voters, including Black (51%) and Hispanic (66%) voters, as well as urban (59%) and Independent (61%) voters, want to strengthen voting safeguards that prevent fraud – not eliminate them.
  • 77% of Voters support requiring Voter ID, including strong majorities of Republicans (92%), Independents (75%), and Democrats (63%).
  • 64% of Black Voters, 77% of Hispanics, and 76% of low-income voters reject the notion that presenting a form of ID at the ballot-box is a “burden.”
  • 66% of Voters support increased protections on absentee voting, like requiring voter ID to vote absentee, which proposed federal bills, H.R.1 and S.1 expressly forbid, contrary to the clear will of the American people.
Separately, Rasmussen found 75% of likely U.S. voters say that showing a Photo I.D. to vote is necessary for a “fair and secure election process.” Rasmussen polling also found that 85% of Registered Voters said it is “common sense” to require Photo I.D.

The Election Transparency Initiative, a partnership between American Principles Project (APP) and the national pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List), was organized to combat H.R. 1/S. 1 and advocate for state-based election reforms that voters can trust.
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