Valley Initiative for Development and Advancement Receives $350,000 Workforce Training Grant

“The specialized skills learned through these training programs create opportunities that open doors to career pathways across the entire state of Texas.”

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) recognized Valley Initiative for Development and Advancement (VIDA) for receiving a $350,000 Texas Talent Connection (TTC) grant from the Office of Governor Greg Abbott to support innovative education and workforce skills training programs that lead to successful job placement, increased wages, and improved job retention.

VIDA, in partnership with South Texas College, Texas State Technical College, Texas Southmost College, and the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley will use these funds to provide education and training programs in high demand occupations, including healthcare and specialized trades, for 420 students.

TWC Commissioner Representing Labor Alberto Treviño III presented the ceremonial check on behalf of the Office of the Governor Greg Abbott at an event in McAllen.

“Training grants help remove barriers for adults needing the skills to succeed in a rewarding career or gain employment in the technical and skilled trades industries,” said TWC Commissioner Representing Labor Alberto Treviño III. “The specialized skills learned through these training programs create opportunities that open doors to career pathways across the entire state of Texas.”

The Texas Talent Connection grant program is funded by Wagner-Peyser 7(b) federal funds. These funds are allocated yearly to each state’s Office of the Governor to fund workforce training and job placement services. On behalf of the Office of Governor Greg Abbott, the Texas Workforce Investment Council facilitates the call for applications and competitive selection processes for the TTC grant program. TWC is responsible for processes related to TTC grant award negotiation, funding, management, and monitoring.

