Our adversaries can smell weakness - even if its over six thousand miles away
By Cong. Michael McCaul
Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – The country of Ukraine is over 6,000 miles away from Texas, so how does the threat of Russia invading Ukraine impact us here at home?
Russia Is One of Our Top Adversaries
Russia is one of America's top adversaries. Russia wants to undermine our country's national security and President Biden is showing weakness in regards to our response with Ukraine.
Last year, we saw Vladimir Putin let Russian hackers go unpunished when they launched a ransomware attack on the Colonial pipeline that impacted our energy supply chain in the U.S.

Looking at the Bigger Picture
The events occurring at Ukraine's border are not just isolated just in Europe. It stretches to China where the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is watching how the U.S. will react to Russia.
If our response is weak towards Russia it will only encourage the CCP to invade Taiwan. The U.S. has a long standing partnership with Taiwan and some of our tech and medical supplies are manufactured there.
An invasion could threaten our supply chains at home and make costs rise.
If our response is weak towards Russia it will only encourage the CCP to invade Taiwan. The U.S. has a long standing partnership with Taiwan and some of our tech and medical supplies are manufactured there.
An invasion could threaten our supply chains at home and make costs rise.
Weakness only Invites Aggression
Ronald Reagan once said, "Weakness only invites aggression." It is true in this case as well. China and Russia are watching America and our response very carefully.
President Biden must do more to deter our adversaries. Weak statements, like Biden made last week, could very well threaten our national security.
Our adversaries can smell weakness - even if its over 6,000 miles away.
President Biden must do more to deter our adversaries. Weak statements, like Biden made last week, could very well threaten our national security.
Our adversaries can smell weakness - even if its over 6,000 miles away.
Can Congress do Anything?