CONG. WILLIAMS: Businesses Are Struggling, and the Biden White House is Responsible

Employers should be focused on what's good for business – not on Biden's leftiest ESG policies

By Cong. Roger Williams

Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON, D.C.  Last week was another busy week in Washington, D.C., addressing your top concerns and the important issues facing our nation. I want to provide just a brief summary of some of the most important issues we're addressing for the American people.

House Financial Services Committee Hearing

Businesses are already struggling to operate within tight margins, yet the SEC is pushing to implement costly regulatory requirements.

Boardrooms should be focused on what is good for the business – not radical ESG policies.

The House Financial Services Committee is tasked with overseeing the SEC and it is our job to reign in their abuse of the rulemaking process before they cause any further damage to Main Street America.

House Small Business Committee Hearing

Two weeks ago, the SBA’s Office of Inspector General released a report detailing how over $200 billion worth of Pandemic Loans were potentially fraudulent. Later that day, SBA Administrator Guzman released a competing report that minimized the theft from the taxpayers to “only” $36 billion dollars.

Shortly after the release of the counter-report, I invited Administrator Guzman to testify alongside Inspector General Ware on July 13th to speak to the egregious discrepancy between the two reports.

Surprisingly, Administrator Guzman declined to testify.

Her refusal to speak to Congress on this discrepancy is a slap in the face to the American taxpayer. It is clear to me and my colleagues that Administrator Guzman does not share the same level of concern for the alleged $36 to $200 billion theft.

While the Administrator is choosing to dedicate her time to other matters, this Committee will focus on solutions to recoup the stolen hundreds of billions of dollars for the American people.

  • Watch the full Committee Hearing here.

Defending the Right to Life

I am unapologetically pro-life and believe that every child is a precious gift from God. That’s why I was proud my cosponsored Amendment No. 5 to the NDAA, passed the House floor by a vote of 221-213.

This prohibits the Secretary of Defense from paying for or reimbursing expenses relating to abortion services.

Friday, the House Republicans passed the FY24 NDAA by a vote of 219-210. This legislation:

  • Provides for the needs of servicemembers and their families.
  • Makes critical investments in our nation’s defense.
  • Prohibits the use of taxpayer dollars to be used on abortion expenses.
  • Cracks down on waste, fraud, and abuse.
  • Counters Communist China’s aggression.
  • Supports Border Security.
  • Saves taxpayers billions of dollars.
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Congressman Roger Williams represents the 25th Congressional District of Texas, located outside of the City of Ft. Worth. He currently serves as Chairman of the House Small Business Committee.


