The 302,034 figure represent a significant uptick from November, during which CBP logged 242,418
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Texas Insider Report) — Amid mounting tensions between President Biden and the State of Texas – as well as an escalating public confrontation with Texas' Gov. Greg Abbott over the state's efforts to secure its Southern Border – U.S. Customs & Border Protection numbers were finally released late on Friday confirming that border agents had 302,034 encounters with immigrants trying to enter the United States in December – including 249,785 who entered illegally between the official points of entry. The figures represent a significant uptick from November, during which Customs & Border Protection counted 242,418 arrivals.

Customs & Border Protection also reported another 19 terrorism suspects in December on the Terrorist Screening Database that were detected trying to cross the Southern Border, bringing that total to 49 for just the last three months.
- During President Biden’s three years in office, the number of migrants determined to be on the Terrorist Screening Database is 331.
- During President Donald Trump’s four years in office, Border Patrol detected a total of 15 migrants on the Terrorist Screening Database.
The monthly U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) totals are usually released around the middle of each month, so the delay to almost the end of the month was stark.
Though December was the worst on record, it’s the latest in a string of record-shattering months.
- In total, 249,785 of the 302,034 encounters during December were with those entering illegally and not between the official border crossings or "points of entry" last month.
- The figures represent a significant uptick from November, during which CBP logged 191,113 of 242,418 arrivals who were not entering at the official ports of entry.
"CBP continues to use all available resources to ensure the safety and security of our agents and officers, and the migrants who are often misled and victimized by the transnational criminal organizations. CBP remains vigilant to respond to the serious challenges we are experiencing across the southwest border," Miller said.
The record numbers also come amid a standoff between the White House and Democrat-led Senate and House Republicans over a prospective "border deal" linking border security efforts to Mr. Biden's war funding for Ukraine request.
House Speaker Mike Johnson on Friday suggested that a reported plan under negotiation in the Senate would be "dead on arrival" in the lower chamber.

It also comes as Mr. Biden and his Secretary of Homeland Security are facing the beginning of an Impeachment Inquiry in the U.S. House of Repreenatitives.
“Secretary Mayorkas has outdone himself yet again. This staggering number of encounters at our borders only happens by design – and a willful refusal to comply with the laws passed by Congress,” said House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green, who is leading the impeachment effort
Mr. Green said the numbers will bolster the argument against Mr. Mayorkas in the House.
President Biden has requested a funding cut for CBP in every budget he has submitted to Congress, and each time Congress has provided more money than the administration wanted.
During Mr. Biden's presidency, there have been at least a dozen individual months where the total monthly figure of immigrants apprehended that were on the "Terrorist Screening Database" matched Mr. Trump’s entire four-year total.