HUNTER: If No One with Job of Reporting is Going to Educate the Public on Biden’s Corruption, We Have to

Why would a Vice-President call into the business meetings of his son, who would then put him on speaker phone"
By Derek Hunter

You can see it now: The media is doing their best to bore people with stories of how the current President of the United States got rich and how his son ripped off not only foreign governments and companies, but we the taxpayers too. It’s how the “news” business works today – cover intently what makes your side look better or the other side look worse, or ignore it completely. It really is something to behold.

Republicans in the House have uncovered what can be described, if you’re being most generous to Democrats, a pattern of suspicious financial transactions that, again at a minimum, imply a very close tie between Joe Biden and his son Hunter. Again, this is being very generous to the way Democrats spin the stories of the past few weeks, short of simply declaring them to be heartless attacks against a father who’s never done anything but love his kids.

And now they’re moving on. Those stories, those coincidences are fading down the memory hole as all focus returns to Donald Trump. Trump gives them plenty of ammo, tweeting out stupid and counter-productive things regularly – if he could get out of his own way he’d be in a much better position for the nomination and the general election.
As the focus returns to Trump, where he seems to want it no matter whether it’s good or bad, the stories of Biden’s corruption, to the extent they’re even talked about, are mentioned only as an attempted distraction from the troubles of the former President. Trump’s unwillingness to take a day off has buried the Biden corruption story, relegating it to a left-wing lament; something “Republicans are using to smear a man who just loves his kid” rather than the more direct evidence of bribery of an elected administration official we’ve ever had.

There has been no exploration of why it would be that the then Vice-President would call into business meetings of his son, who would then put him on speaker phone so there was no mistake who Hunter had unfettered access to. That strikes none with a press pass as odd. 

Nor does Joe’s repeated declaration that he deliberately forbade his family from telling him anything about their businesses pique anyone’s in the media’s curiosity. 

Many questions remain not only unanswered, but unasked, like how would Joe have known if Hunter had made any money from China if he’d never spoken with him about his businesses? How would Joe know if he’d never spoken to anyone in his family about their business interests if he’d expressly told them never to tell him what they do for a living? He couldn’t have. 

Plausible deniability was the point, no matter how implausible it is to normal people. 

Remember, Joe didn’t have to appease normal Americans with his lies, he just had to placate the press. That was easy, it turns out, because the Trump presidency caused such a level of mental instability in the media that any pretense of journalism when the way of the Dodo bird.

But when you add in the former President’s inability to get out of his own way by not taking the bait Democrats toss out for him, you end up watching the Biden story disappear. It was always going to be a tough fight to expose the corruption that made the Biden family rich, but Donald Trump whining about how Nancy Pelosi “will someday live in HELL!” because she said something about him being scared on MSNBC becomes THE story over everything else. No matter what Congressman James Comer uncovers, the story is buried in a sea of whining. 

Is it fair? Of course not. And it’s not right either. It’s garbage.

But your dislike of reality doesn’t have any impact on it being reality. This is politics, not beanbag.

Democrats are going to look for anything at all to change the subject from the Biden Crime Family to literally anything else, and stories about Donald Trump are catnip for the leftist media.
It would be profoundly better if the former President could stop feeding the media’s addiction to him, especially when there’s a chance to expose Biden, at least for a day or two, but that doesn’t seem to be in the cards. So at least be aware of what’s happening and take it upon yourself to spread the stories conservative media uncover in the face of a relentless tsunami distractions.

If no one in a position to, or with the job of reporting, is going to focus and educate the public, we have to.

Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!) and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the massesFollow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.


