WOOLLEY: Democrats have Zero Logic – and I'll Prove It

Democrats are a Walking Contradiction, Partly Truth & Partly Fiction

By Lynn Woolley 

AUSTIN, Texas (Texas Insider Report) — Democrats are odd people.  Nancy Pelosi just told us that Joe Biden is one of the greatest presidents ever; so great that his likeness ought to be added to Mount Rushmore.  Also, Nancy was perhaps the driving force behind kicking Joe Biden off the ticket.  A few weeks ago, Kamala Harris, the queen of word salads, was considered a major drag on the ticket.  Now Democrats gush over her uncanny ability to campaign.

Democrats attack Donald Trump for spreading nasty rumors about Democrats, but Kamala’s running mate, Tim Walz, delights in spreading a nasty and untrue rumor about JD Vance.

I can’t discern any logic to Democrats at all – not in the way they vote nor in the way they govern.

Sorry, liberals.  Conservatives make far more sense.

Yes, I am fully aware the Democrats are clamoring for a woman president at the same time a left-wing Supreme Court justice, a woman, can’t define what a woman is.  This is part of today’s nonsensical contagion about changing one’s sex, which isn’t possible even though Democrats contend that it is.  What’s even more illogical is they demand we-of-sound-mind pretend along with them.  We refuse – because it’s not logical.

Kamala Harris illogical, but she has an excuse.

Harris isn’t bright.  We can give her a slight break for that because she never really knows what she’s for or against, and if she did, she couldn’t iterate it without a teleprompter.
Harris’ inability to speak in complete sentences is legendary.  Less known is her propensity to speak at a third-grade level, explaining such things as Ukraine being a smaller country next to Russia which is a bigger country and why she loves yellow school buses.

On serious topics, she is just lost.  She reverts to a couple of key words that seem to stick in her mind and we get the repetitive words salads that she is known for.

She has no logic, but also no core values outside of climate change and “women’s reproductive rights.”  She can define a woman when convenient. 

The Biden Border Crisis is a serious topic.  I suspect it was a get-even appointment when Biden named her a “Border Czar,” but she didn’t want to do it.  It was a hard job, about which, she had no interest.  There was no way it would further her career.

She ignored it, and Biden seemed to think she did a fine job.

Democrats are odd people, as I say.  Weird.

The Democrat Party as a whole, is Odd & Illogical.

It is the Party of Death.  Not for serial killers, mind you, but for innocent babies in the womb.  This position alone keeps me and millions like me from ever considering a Democrat when I vote.  My parents were poor, but they wanted me.  What a gift from God that my parents wanted me and let me live and nurtured me.  What an illogical mess the Democrats have made of the basic issue of life.  They are shameful.

The LGBTQIA+ nonsense has reached a fever pitch.  Biologically, the whole concept is illogical.  Science tells us that there are males and females.  Nature tells us that.  The Bible tells us that.  It’s obvious that it’s true. 

Men and women are wired to be attracted to each other.  It’s how the species survives.  It’s so basic that it seems silly to argue.  The current transgender movement is LGBT to the extreme.  But illogically, Democrats believe you can cut up a man and invert certain parts of him and he becomes her.  They call it by the nice-sounding name of "gender affirming care." As As I wrote in my novelty song, “Men in Bra’s”:

When I was in school and we learned about sex
It was all binary and it wasn’t complex.
With an innie you’re a girl, with an outie you’re a boy.
But a nip and a tuck and now Rhonda’s Roy.

The song is meant to be funny.  But when parents start using puberty blockers and surgical mutilation on young children, the laughing stops.  This is illogical.  Insane.  And Democrats support it.  And they support the pronoun insanity.  Note to Democrats:  They/them pronouns make you sound silly and unserious.  Get it off your websites because they brand you as an illogical leftist.  But at least it’s an easy way to know they/their politics and avoid that company or that school.

Democrats are the Party of the Squad – the group of House members who seem to hate America.  They are also the party of the pro-Hamas, pro-Palestinian protesters who roil college campuses and demand that America support “Palestine,” run by a terrorist proxy of Iran -- instead of Israel, which is the only country in the Middle East that is similar to the United States.  Illogical and weird. 

Democrats are economic illiterates

Massive government spending is the cause of inflation and higher consumer costs, and yet they believe the out-of-control spending can be offset by more spending.  This is beyond illogical; this is insane.  But Democrats believe it.  You almost never hear a Democrat express concern about our $35,000,000,000,000 national debt. 

Where do we stop?

Democrats preach freedom, but want to force you to drive electric cars which are impractical in many ways.  They are all indoctrinated into the cult of Climate Change and use it as an excuse to redistribute wealth.  They want to provide permanent housing for the homeless, but rarely ever look for ways to get the homeless off of drugs and alcohol and into being productive members of society. 

Democrats believe the best qualifications for public office are to be female, homosexual and a person of color. Kamala Harris checked two important boxes for identity politics and got the nomination without ever getting a single vote from the electorate.  Oh, but the Democrats are going to save Democracy. 

And yet, young people and celebrities like Charlamagne Tha God are flocking to Kamala because she’s a female and a person of color.  There is no end to their lunacy.
  • Life?  No, they don’t support that for babies in the womb.
  • Liberty?  No.  You must have only approved kitchen appliances.
  • Pursuit of happiness?  Liberals are most miserable people on the planet.
As Kris Kristofferson wrote in a song called “The Pilgrim, Chapter 33”: “He’s a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction.”

I think that’s a perfect description of Democrats.  They want stuff to be true, but when it isn’t, they just go on believing it.

Joe Biden is a case study in illogic.

Biden bungled the Afghanistan Withdrawal badly.  I believe it goes down in history as the worst foreign policy debacle in modern history.  And yet, Joe Biden called it “an extraordinary sucess.”  Robert Gates once said that Biden has been on the wrong side of every foreign policy decision.  Biden has served almost a full term as president and that losing streak is still intact.

On Israel, Biden pledges this important ally America’s full support, but then tells them how to run a war, and withholds some offensive weapons that Israel needs.  Illogically, he works for a cease-fire, which would be a major break for Hamas, the terrorist organization that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to destroy.  If Iran’s major proxies – Hamas and Hezbollah – could be wiped out in this war, there might be peace.  Biden doesn’t want that.  Totally illogical. 

The idea of a “two-state solution” for Israel and “Palestine” is outrageously illogical

One side would agree with it, but the other side wants to exterminate the Israeli people.  That’s what they mean when say “from the River to the Sea.”  Illogically, Democrats support this insane idea.

Biden is clueless and illogical with regard to the economy.  The “Inflation Reduction Act” that is often listed as one of Biden major accomplishments cost $891 billion.  But massive government spending is what causes inflation.  I’m telling you – Democrats are illogical and just plain weird.

Chuck Schumer hasn’t a logical bone in his body.

He famously stood on the steps of the Supreme Court and threatened two U.S. Supreme Court justices – Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch.  Schumer denied that his statement constituted a threat, but here’s what he said:
"I want to tell you Gorsuch, I want to tell you Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions."

I’m logical.  I know what a threat sounds like – and what Schumer said fills the bill.  Of course, a demented nutcase took Schumer’s advice and tried to kill Justice Kavanaugh.  Had I been the U.S. Attorney General at the time, I would have indicted Schumer for suborning assassination. He can be illogical all he wants, but he almost got a High Court justice murdered. 

Schumer is a menace to the country and has no business serving.

In 2008, the Democratic Senate Leader was responsible for the second-largest bank failure in American history.  CNBC carried the story:
He doesn’t stop bank runs; he starts them. Or, at least, has started one. The collapse of Indymac bank, the second largest bank failure in American history, began with a letter from the office of Senator Charles Schumer on June 27. He questioned the viability of the bank.

When a senior senator who is in a number of influential posts regarding oversight of bank regulators directly attacks the confidence of a depository institution, it matters. Not surprisingly, the director of the Office of Thrift Supervision concluded that the collapse of the bank immediately following the Senator’s comments was not a coincidence. Director Reich concluded that Senator Schumer had ‘given the bank a heart attack’.

Did you get that?  Schumer did nothing to stop a bank run.  Instead, he started one.  Chuck Schumer literally gave the bank a heart attack.  But Schumer’s resume as an illogical nutcase would get worse.

This column could go on forever.  So, if you’ve made it this far, add your own observations about Democrats to the list, and contemplate why anybody would ever want to be one. 

To me, it would be totally illogical.

Lynn Woolley (at left, on right,) is a Texas-based author, songwriter, and Talk Radio Show co-host on Austin's Talk 1370am "Cardle & Woolley Show." Known for being the "Secretary of Logic," you can order books directly from Lynn at https://PlanetLogicPress.Square.Site.


