HUNTER: Democrat's Say You Are Nothing but Garbage – So, Vote to Take Out the Democrat Trash

By Derek Hunter

Democrats hate you. They really do. They’ll tell you, though only by accident. The rest of the time they pretend to care, pretend they’re interested in helping you achieve your goals. They don’t mean it, they hate you. You’re nothing but a bitter, garbage person clinging to your guns and Bible, a deplorable, irredeemable case for supporting abortion in the 400th month. They may think you are garbage, but you have less than one week before you have a chance to take out the trash.

The problem for Democrats isn’t that President Joe Biden let the cat out of the bag when he called anyone who supports Donald Trump “garbage,” it’s that the entire Democratic Party establishment makes it unambiguous to people that they all think that way too.

Who was the last Democrat who at least gave the impression they gave a damn about you when they weren’t trying to get your vote? I have to ask because I can’t remember one. Maybe Bill Clinton. I’m not saying he actually cared, but he was good at giving the impression. Al Gore was a robot, John Kerry was Frankenstein, Barack Obama was aloof, Hillary Clinton felt inconvenienced by everyone’s existence, Joe Biden pandered too hard, and Kamala Harris has granted exactly one interview to anything close to “hostile” media (though skeptical is the more accurate word) not only this campaign, but during her tenure as Vice President. 

They dislike you so much they can barely bring themselves to talk to you, or to new outlets you watch. You are to be told what to do, made to comply – bake me a cake, hatemonger! – not listened to or consulted. 

It’s always been this way, Democrats simply have no interest in anyone who refuses to be obedient, period. It’s why the Vice President won’t go on the most popular podcast in the world, The Joe Rogan Experience. Joe won’t play the game, he won’t obey. 

Rogan wouldn’t call Kamala names, the conversation wouldn’t devolve into a shouting match and he wouldn’t try to spring a series of gotcha questions on her to create a viral moment – he doesn’t need that, he’ll get millions of viewers no matter what. There is literally no downside for her – the show is popular among the voters she is weakest with, men – the only thing that could remotely be seen as a risk is, quite frankly, her. Can she hold an interesting conversation that wins people to her side, or at a minimum stops their stomach from turning at the thought of her winning the election? 

For me, that answer is a resounding “NO!” But I’m not her target audience. I’m not undecided and have never been getable for her, I follow the news and know how awful she is. Her target is the millions of people who haven’t thought about the election or who find her phony and can’t vote for her because of it. Rogan’s audience would listen to the interview even if they do not like Kamala Harris. In politics, there are very few chances to change people’s perception of you, since they largely see you speak in soundbites and news clips. 

A three-hour conversation without limitation on topics is exactly what anyone trying to win people to their side would beg for. Not Kamala Harris. 

Her campaign says they just can’t schedule it, even though the campaign sets its own schedule. Rogan does his show from Austin, Texas, and requires guests to be in studio and do the whole show. Harris said she’d do it if he went to her, but only for one hour. That’s not a “scheduling conflict,” that’s an ultimatum based on indifference. 

The fact is Kamala Harris doesn’t have an interest in talking to Rogan or his audience, or else she would. She just wants their support. If they won’t give it to her, to hell with them.

Her handlers have no faith in her ability to make a case, strong or otherwise, for her candidacy over an extended period of time and know she would come off as dismissive and condescending to the audience because that’s who she is. There’s a reason she became less popular the more people saw of her when she ran in 2019 and had such low approval ratings as Vice President that she was the only person in the country who could make Joe Biden look popular by comparison, and it wasn’t her charming personality of genuine honesty.

When you add in the contempt Democrats have for those who won’t conform, there is no upside to even talking with us.

Since she’s still running, just like Joe and all the others did when they were running, she will insist she “will be President for all Americans!” But just like how Joe hasn’t bothered to talk to any media outlet that did not rent kissing space in the back of his pants, Kamala Harris would be no different. Why would anyone, especially a President, waste their time with garbage anyway?'

Show Joe, Kamala and all Democrats why, up and down the ballot, by tossing them out with the trash on Tuesday.

Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!) and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses, and host of the weekly Week in F*cking Review podcast where the news is spoken about the way it deserves to be. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.

