Zogby Poll: By 61%-39% Margin Main Street Business Leaders Won’t Re-Elect Biden

“People at the top – Executives, Owners & VP's – thought things were worse off than better off by a 56%-to-44% margin.”

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Texas Insider Report) — "With the way things are going, Democrats might need a 'Plan B' for the 2022 Mid-Term Elections – and the 2024 Presidential Election!” said pollster Jonathan Zogby, CEO of Zogby Analytics after two different Zogby Polls recently showed that Small Company Executives are losing faith in President Joe Biden, including one poll that showed overwhelming opposition to his 2024 re-election.

Despite recent White House claims that the president is “delivering the fastest economic recovery in history,” the survey of Main Street Businessmen & women showed them running from Biden and the sky-high inflation rates that have been created under his watch.
"While small businesses are finding it impossible to hire – even when they offer higher wages and better incentives – it's a wonder any business would want him reelected again!" said Zogby.
In the first survey, Zogby Analytics found that top executives of companies with $10 million or less in annual revenue feel worse off under Biden.
“People at the top such as – Executives, Owners and Vice Presidents – thought things were worse off than better off by a 56%-to-44% margin,” said Zogby's analysis.

Throw in all workers, and the margin was 53% worse off to 47% better off.

While hardly an endorsement of the economy, those numbers flipped for larger companies, although bigger and smaller company executives agreed they do not want Biden reelected.

Overall, the spread was 61% against reelection and 39% for reelection.
“There was a difference in intensity among small businesses' with annual revenue of less than $10 million (37% yes, 63% no) who were not enthusiastic with his reelection. When it came to companies that earned more than $10 million dollars annually, 46% felt he should be reelected, while 54% felt President Biden should not be reelected. Either way, most businesses did not think he deserved reelection,” said the pollster.

In his conclusion, Zogby laid out all the hurdles to Biden’s reelection.

“As President Biden's agenda – mainly the Build Back Better bill – is stalled in Congress, his approval and job performance have dipped to all-time lows.

"President Biden is also simultaneously dealing with a new variant of the coronavirus pandemic (Omicron), while the previous variant (Delta) is still causing illnesses," wrote Zogby.

"Can anything go right for Biden? His vice president is taking it on the chin too – she has had to deal with a wave of resignations, not to mention being called a bully who lacks leadership skills.

