Biden to Oil & Gas Unemployed: I Have a Solar Jobs Plan, but Wait a Few Months to Hear It

“There needs to be a lot of education done before we jump out there and kill our whole industry,”

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – Estimates say that up to 110,000 jobs will be lost due to President Joe Biden's Executive Order to cancel the Keystone Pipeline. So, what is their plan to replace them?

Last week on “Fox & Friends”, three of the individuals who lost work after Keystone was canceled – Texas pipeline workers David and Kristina Dickerson of Frankston, Texas (right,) and oil field electrician Joe Clingan – warned that this wasn’t going to end well for them.
Kristina Dickerson said that the Keystone pipeline was “not the only project that we’ve been affected by over the last year. It seems like the pipelines have had targets on their backs.

And it’s not just the pipeline workers; there’s a lot of industry that has missed out on these projects.

“There needs to be a lot of education done before we jump out there and kill our whole industry,” she said.

She added that people should “write or call your representatives” and “try to get our politicians back to the table to look at this again and make sure this is the best choice that we have.”
  The claims that solar panel work will somehow manage to offset employment losses from the Biden Administration’s environmentalism push has been shown to be false, and not just by outlets like Fox News and The New York Post. 

The Washington Post fact-checked climate czar John Kerry’s claim about coal-mining jobs being replaced by renewable energy employment, and said it was misleading.
“Well, I’d certainly welcome you to present your data of all the 1,000s and 1,000s of people who won’t be getting green jobs,” said White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki last week, responding to reporters concerns over the orders.

“Maybe next time you’re here you can present that.”

Either Psaki (at left,) was unprepared when it came to the jobs that were going to be lost from killing the Keystone pipeline, or there wasn’t any plan to prepare from. This is the kind of serious thinking the new administration is putting into getting work for the workers they’re displacing.

Initial responses seem to indicate its going to be a heavy lift for the Biden Administration to convince the newly-unemployed and impacted American familes how their former Keystone workers will be provided jobs that don’t currently exist.

Oil field electrician Joe Clingan, meanwhile, warned that the Biden White House was “going to ruin us.”
“And then we’re going to start importing stuff from China? Or wherever else? We’re not going to buy American,” he said.

“We could be selling elsewhere, but no, we’re going to go somewhere else and we’re going to buy and then we’re going to be more in debt.”

David Dickerson continued in the same vein, noting that Biden’s green jobs plan wouldn’t add union jobs – or even American jobs, for that matter.

"I’m 53 years old, and it’s too late for me to start over again," said David. "But it’s way too early for me to retire.

“Solar panels are going to be built by the cheapest bidder, with the cheapest parts that we can get. That’s flooding our market right now on all solar farms.

“It won’t be union work, or jobs,” Dickerson said.
  ​​​​​​​“As the president has indicated when he gave his primetime address to talk about the 'American Rescue Plan', he talked about his plans to also put forward a jobs plan in the weeks or months following,” Psaki responded.

“He has every plan to do exactly that,” noted Psaki.

Right – he'll have an answer, but you’ll have to wait a few months on umemployments to hear it.

