Democrat's, Media's Meltdown Over Supreme Court's Trump Decision Is Delicious

A mental blow to the Liberal Left – most significantly, to the increasingly disconnected Democrat Party

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Texas Insider Report) — The ongoing perversions of Law & Justice being carried out by the Democrat Party in an effort to rig the 2024 Election and keep Donald Trump off the ballot have been a cancer attacking the very "democracy" which Democrats so adamantly say they want to preserve. But no more for now, says U.S. Supreme Court.

Yesterday's Supreme Court decision – unanimously confirming that the U.S. Constitution does not grant states the right to individually ban candidates for Federal Office from their State Ballots – was not so much a surprise to those who watched the oral arguments last month, as it was a glimmer of hope for the remainder of 2024. 

When unanimous 9-0 rulings are so rare-to-non-existent these days – and there was some question as to whether the ruling would be unanimous or not – more than anything, perhaps, Monday's 9-0 decision serves as a refreshing counter to the leftist Democrat's attacks on "Our Democracy" for the American public.

It was, to say the least, quite an interesting way to kick off the week. One generally doesn't emerge from a weekend expecting the Supreme Court to put a spring into one's Monday step – but these interesting times we are living in, and every now and then, the "good" kind of gets interesting. 
The complete, thorough, and utter beatdown of the Colorado Supreme Court by the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS,) was quite the blow to the nation's Liberal Media Analysts who had talked themsleves into believing there was a chance the radical Colorado decision might somehow be upheld. 

It was also quite a mental blow to the country's anti-Trump movement – most significantly, to the increasingly disconnected Democrat Party across American.

While its been an embarrassment for an increasing number of American Voters across the United States to fathom – as well as for those who have eyes to see – this repudiation by the Supreme Court should be viewed as a much-needed infusion of sanity into the Democrat's and media's behavior.

They're having an end of liberalism nervous breakdown.

For instance, there's this breakdown of the meltdown by Ed Morrissey at HotAir:

"No doubt it will also prompt a hue and cry from the activist press that tried to promote this ahistorical and constitutionally absurd strategy as somehow brilliant and necessary to Save The Republic.

"Get prepared for a full-scale attack on the court regardless of the unanimity of the court in shutting this politically motivated stunt down for good."

The meltdown on The Left over the 9-0 decision was delicious. It was entirely avoidable for them, but they are so blinded by hatred that they are incapable of seeing the potential for their egregious judicial overreach to blow up in their faces. 
The American Prospect's Ryan Cooper writes under the headline, "The Corrupt Supreme Court Bails Out Trump Once More," that:
"This decision is a dog’s breakfast designed to help Donald Trump. But it’s also a reminder that the current composition of the (Supreme) Court is screamingly illegitimate, and worthy of blistering counterattack.

"America does not have to be ruled by an unelected council of high priests."

Well, evidently is does – at least according to the Supreme Court's 9-0 unanimous confirmation of the U.S. Constitution, no less.
CNN's Dana Bash was also disappointed, despite acknowledging it was the correct ruling. 
"You know, look, unfortunately for America, the court isn't necessarily wrong, that this is the way the Framers wanted it to be," she said, seemingly fighting back tears.

It's difficult to keep track of Democrat's and the media's frequent trips to their fainting couches, but they began freaking out as soon as the Supreme Court announced it would rule on the Colorado case.
That's because, deep in their hearts, they knew that what happened yesterday would happen.

The Democrat's long-established strategy that "The Process would be The Penalty" – that the U.S. Courts and the weaponization of the Federal Government would remove their mega-MAGA "Make America Great Again" enemy from consideration – has only infuriated the the American public.
  And most Americans are not even aware of the fact that – despite all the media's and the Democrat's mis-information – Donald Trump has never been charged with "insurrection." That is because it is all, quite literally, a figment of their imagination.

That hasn't, or won't stop Democrats from acting as if he had.

Maybe, just maybe, voters sense something is a little off about Democrat's continued and escalating claims of "threats to our Democracy."


