Trump will benefit from a Nation that's desperate for change, demanding safe streets & neighborhoods, and is hopeful for Economic Revival
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Texas Insider Report) — Voters turned out in record numbers during yesterday's election and clearly sent that nation's leaders the message that they want their government to be run in order to benefit the citizens of this country, not for mandated or suddenly enforced ideologies unconnected to their individual needs and concerns – which after four years of a Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are many.

An entrenched, liberal and elitist Democrat Ruling Class fears Mr. Trump less for the potential damage they claimed he could do by "Making America Great Again," than for the promises he made to a thirsting American Public – to readjust priorities, "drain the swamp," move power out of central government, and back to the people.
The depths from which Trump has risen to regain the most powerful office in the world is a testament to his determination, and his skills as a communicator. It is also a searing indictment of a political establishment that has ignored and condemned voters’ legitimate concerns about the direction of the country.
Before Trump descended the Trump Tower escalator in June of 2015, a key governing consensus in Washington – guided by an increasingly leftist Democrat Party that was imposing or bullying this consensus into being – was that unlimited amounts of immigration and unfettered trade and off-shoring of U.S. industry were beneficial to the country. Against what appeared to be everyday "common sense," Americans were told they had a duty to take in any migrant from anywhere in the world, no matter their criminal background, their culture, or educational and work abilities to improve the nation.
Trump exploded that controversial consensus – which was being condemned by citizens nationwide who were experiencing rapidly growing rates of violent crime – which was ready for demolition by any leader who dared to call for a return to the Founding Father's guiding principles.
Eventually, the #BidenBorderCrisis frayed the very fabric of our national culture – and helped return Americans of all political stripes to defend themselves and demand the country's escalating problems be fixed.
Democrats fought such efforts by any and every means known to man, and not only prevented every call for increased levels of border security, they even created programs to fly the illegal aliens who enrolled in their quietly run operations into neighborhoods all across the land.

While weaponizing the Federal Government and many of its powerful legal capabilities, and despite only making Trump stronger with every one of their simply unbelievable attacks, Democrats and the Biden-Harris Administration severely underestimated Trump’s appeal and messaging against the "weaponization of government" – which an increasing number of Americans came to fear could be used against themselves – banking that his undeniable "character flaws" would sink him.
Suffering from unbearable levels of back-breaking inflation and increasing prices at the grocery and gas pump, the electorate was in no mood for a morality lecture from the deeply corrupt Hunter & Joe Biden crime clan.
And since it could not be denied that Trump had delivered a stronger economy than Biden and Harris – where wages grew faster than prices for all Americans – the ratings of his Presidential Job Performance grew to levels that exceeded anything seen when he was in office.
Voters also still remembered how, after being elected to return normalcy to the nation, Joe Biden had immediately and enthusiastically smashed his promises of a "centrist" government and pushed an far-left agenda of unregenerate mandates and behavioral change.
- He threw open the Southern Border, flooding communities across the country with unvetted migrants from around the world.
- He stoked historically high inflation with massive debt-financed spending,
- which eroded everyone’s paychecks, especially those at the bottom of the income scale.
- In addition to out of control costs for their own groceries, housing, and transportation, voters had to pay for all the items or benefits being showered by Democrats on to Biden’s illegal immigrants.

Since the years of legal attacks to persecute him again and again had largely been proven false or political – in some cases clearly bending, inventing or fabricating uncorroboated crimes that were supposedly committed decades ago – their credibility with voters was shot.
And every transparently political and abusive indictment of Trump galvanized the Republican Party's base, and primary voters, to back him even more staunchly.
Both before Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, and after inflation almost immediately sky-rocketed during the Biden presidency, voters believed their country was "headed in the wrong direction." They saw liberal Democrat leaders in Washington acting in their own interests, the interests of the wealthy at the expense of the nation's Veterans or most needy lower classes, and in the interests of illegal immigrants from around the world whose arrival was never agreed to by voters.
Voters want their government be run and be operated in order to benefit the citizens of this country – not for foreigners, and not for ideologies that run counter to or are unconnected to their needs and concerns.
It's not Rocket Science.

Is Trump a changed man after nearly losing his life to an assassin's bullet? He is more experienced in the ways of Washington, will come into office with a more organized and unified team – and a plan to fix America, as he says, "so fast you won't believe it.".
And Trump will benefit from a nation that's desperate for change, is demanding their streets and neighborhoods to be made safe again, and is hopeful for an economic revival similar to what Trump's tax cuts brought on before the pandemic.
If nothing else, they will also be encouraged by the fact that the political silly-season is now finally behind them, whether its viewed as historic or not..
With the White House, the Senate, and most likely the U.S. House under conservative Republican control, even the Democrat Party will be forced to make rhetorical moves to change direction. And the Republican Party has to be committed to putting America's interests first – under President-Elect Trump's leadership.